Hello My Dear Friends. Well, tomorrow is the day when the Affordable Care Act, affectionately known as Obamacare, kicks in! The fact that no one really knows what they're supposed to do or how it is going to affect them is irrelevant. Oh, there is a continuing battle in the fantasyland called Capitol Hill but, in the end, that too is irrelevant. Obamacare is the law of the land and, for the most part, it begins tomorrow. Depending on who you talk to, it's either the greatest thing ever or the end of life as we know it. I fall somewhere in the middle. I, not surprisingly, have questions. First, and I think most importantly, Why, if Obamacare is so great, did the President exempt himself, all of his political appointees and everyone in Congress from it? I've said this before and I'll say it again; Congress should NOT be allowed to pass a law and then exempt THEMSELVES from it. It's ridiculous. If it's good enough for me, it's good enough for you too Mr. President. Second, I'd like to know why, if Obamacare is ready to go, has the government delayed the employer mandate and the insurer reporting requirements until 2015? I'm sure it has nothing to do with the midterm elections. Third, if this whole system is predicated on the need for young, healthy Americans to purchase health insurance, what happens when they don't? If the media wasn't so focused on this fabricated government shut down (which is exactly what the politicians hoped they would do) maybe someone could have asked these questions prior to the implementation of this mammoth program. So my dear friends I will look into my crystal ball and tell you what happens next.
First, the websites that provide what little information that is currently available along with the on-line marketplaces with the insurance exchanges, will crash tomorrow. That will take days or weeks to repair. Once they work that out, mass confusion will reign. People will realize that they've been misled on what will be available to them or how much it will really cost them. Next, in about a year or so down the line, the government will realize that all of these young, healthy Americans who they counted on to fund the system, won't be there. The system will be on the edge of implosion when the government will step in to save it, creating the single payer system (socialized medicine) that they've wanted from the beginning. Don't believe me? That's all right. Time will tell. Let me leave you with one final question. If the Affordable Care Act was created to provide affordable health insurance to "millions of Americans who desperately need it", why then did they need to include a law that requires everyone to buy it? If it is all that they say it is, wouldn't people flock to it on their own? Forcing someone to purchase something is not providing a service or filling a need, is it?
Monday, September 30, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
Thoughts Over Catnip
Hello My Dear Friends. I do love a good nip buzz on Friday! Did you know that the U.S. Veterans Administration handed out over $1.5 million in bonuses while paying out a record BILLION dollars in medical malpractice settlements? Our tax dollars in action! One of those bonuses, by the way went to Michael Moreland, who oversaw the VA hospital where at least 5 Veterans died from a preventable Legionnaires Disease outbreak. Moreland received the Presidential distinguished Rank Award and a $63,000 bonus AFTER the deaths were determined to have been preventable. I wonder how many Veterans you have to kill to get a $100,000 bonus! Why is abbreviation such a long word? Do you think that if they lined up all of the cars in the world end to end, some goober in a BMW would try to pass them? I do. The latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the population. If "pro" is the opposite of "con", would "progress" be the opposite of "congress"? When you're driving and looking for an address, do you ever turn down the radio? You know you do. Is there another word for synonym? Why is it that, if a sing says "George Washington slept here" you believe it but, if a sign says "wet paint" you have to touch it? Enjoy the weekend my friends!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Oh, The Things People Say!
Hello My Dear Friends! I realize that we all, at one time or another, say something that we wish we hadn't. Some people, however, say things that just leave me shaking my head. Take, for instance, congressman Phil Gingrey, a republican from Georgia. While addressing his colleagues on a bill that would exempt Congress and their employees from the pending Obamacare nightmare, Rep. Gingrey said, "[Congressional staffers] may be 33 years old now and not making a lot
of money,” (according to an
account published by National Review) “But in a few years they can just go to K
Street and make 500,000 a year. Meanwhile I’m stuck here making $172,000 a
year.” Let's just reflect on that statement for a moment. Stuck here making $172,000 a year. Hmmm. People of Georgia, perhaps you can "unstick" him in November. I'm not even going to get into the fact that Congress is exempting themselves from another law that they've forced on us! Next we have the case of 24-year old Mikayla Hull, of Michigan. After assaulting and stealing the purse of a 75-year old woman, Hull was tackled and pinned down by witnesses until police arrived. Hull defended her actions by saying, "Dude, she's rich. She was eating in a restaurant". Well thought out defense, don't you think?Finally, we have Saudi Cleric Muhammad Ali Shanqiti. Addressing his flock on the bevy of "black-eyed virgins" that wait them in paradise as a servant of Allah, (4900 according to Shanqiti) the Cleric told them "each is more beautiful than the last. God help you..." Yup! Interesting turn of phrase, don't you think? Some people really should think before they speak.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
I Know What I Know
Hello My Dear Friends. I'm often asked "Your Highness, why do kids today seem so misinformed about our history"? I tell these people, it's simple. Just like the workings of a computer, 'Garbage in; Garbage out'. Take, for instance, a text book out of Denton, Texas. The book, "US History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Exam". In the Section titled "The First Ten Amendments" it summarizes the second Amendment as follows: "The people have the right to keep and bear arms in a state militia". Ummm. I don't think so. As I'm sure you know, the Second Amendment reads: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed'. Now, since we know that a "state militia" is a case where citizens are called upon in an emergency to protect the State, it's safe to say that those two statements do not say the same thing. Since the book in question is a "study guide" for the Advanced Placement Exam, one would assume either the exam is also incorrect or the students of Denton are going to get that one wrong. This is not an isolated case. A Michigan "History" book has 30 pages on Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving. It makes no reference to religion. As a matter of fact, it describes "Pilgrims" as "People who take long trips". LOL, right? I guess they took that long trip from England because they didn't like the food. A Minnesota Community College history teacher (John Chalberg) gave a pre-test to 160 introductory students. Only 2, that's right two, knew that Lyndon Johnson was the architect of the Great Society. Four students actually thought it was Abraham Lincoln. Only 60 identified Germany as America's primary foe during World War I. Don't blame teachers. They're only allowed to teach the curriculum they're given. Also, many younger teachers were educated under this same, flawed system. In a Maryland high school, their history lesson on World War II focuses on Japanese-American internment camps, the entry of women into the workforce and discrimination against African Americans. One grad, highlighted in a recent Washington Post article, received a "B" in the course but couldn't say what year the War ended, who the President was, nor could she name one battle or one General. That's the future folks. Edmund Burke said it best, "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it".
Monday, September 16, 2013
Anonymity Breeds Stupidity
Hello My Dear Friends. I'm always amazed, but not surprised, at how ignorant people can be, especially under the cloak of anonymity. The new Miss America was crowned last night. She's a beautiful 24-year old woman from the Syracuse area. She's also of Indian decent. No sooner was she crowned, when the Twittersphere lit up with the most ridiculous and ignorant comments. People tweeted things like "Congratulations Al-Qaeda. Our Miss America is one of you" and "September 11th was 4 days ago and she gets Miss America". Seriously? Most of those comments were taken down when media outlets starting publishing them. That's because the "authors" were being outed. These cyber hate mongers get their muscle from anonymity. Once the curtain is removed, they crawl back into holes and hide. They don't have the courage, or the brains, to spew their hate openly. What bothers me the most is not the racism, it's the ignorance of basic common knowledge. Miss America is of Indian decent. That's India. For the benefit of those who want to equate a Syracuse area native with Al-Qaeda or September 11th, India is NOT in the Middle East. It's in South Asia. Pick up a freaking map once in a while. It's bad enough to "voice" your blind hate but when you aren't even smart enough to know who you are hating or why, it really gets annoying. The vast majority of Indians, about 80%, identify as Hindu not Muslim. You don't really hear a lot about Hindu extremists, do you? So, since I am a firm believer in free speech, let me say this. If you want to sit in your parents basement an toss out anonymous hate, that's your right. But, for the sake of the rest of us, could you spend a little more time at the library and a little less time at Comic-Con before you do? Thanks.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Thoughts Over Catnip
Hello My Dear Friends. TGIF! I'm not spoiled, I'm pampered. There's a difference. Anyway, if man really evolved from apes, why are there still apes? The captor had an odd experience yesterday. As she tells it, she was napping on the couch when she was awakened by a women's voice that said "come on Kathy, it's time to go". That's the abridged version. The captor says, upon reflection, she feared it was the voice of God and she was dying. LOL! I reassured her that, if she was dying, it probably wouldn't be God coming to get her. That begs the question, is Satan a woman? Did you ever wonder why, if that black box they put in airplanes can survive any crash, they don't make the whole plane out of that stuff? Dyslexics of the world untie! (wait for it....there it is!) Miley Cyrus and Kanye West have teamed up on a remix of Kanye's "hit" 'Black Skinhead'. Yup. That's what the world was missing. My bucket list is complete. My friend Fig Thannhauser has the funkiest feet ever! Check it out:
He has 27 toes! 27! I'm told the record is 28 toes so, if you don't have the record, you're really just a freak. Do people in Australia call the rest of the world "up over"? Tomorrow's Powerball Jackpot is $317 million bucks! If I won the lottery, I wouldn't be one of those people who quit my job immediately. I'd make my boss's life a living hell for about a month first. Enjoy the weekend!
He has 27 toes! 27! I'm told the record is 28 toes so, if you don't have the record, you're really just a freak. Do people in Australia call the rest of the world "up over"? Tomorrow's Powerball Jackpot is $317 million bucks! If I won the lottery, I wouldn't be one of those people who quit my job immediately. I'd make my boss's life a living hell for about a month first. Enjoy the weekend!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
I Do What I Can
Hello My dear Friends. Many of you have contacted me saying "Your Majesty, you've been very quiet on the Syria issue. What's going on? What are we to think?" (or something like that). Anyway as I have acknowledged in the past, I realize how difficult it is for you to navigate this troubled world without my guidance. However, my team of social media consultants has advised me that my rather conservative view of the world, although 100% correct, turns off and, at times, offends some of my minions readers. Apparently not everyone is open to enlightenment. Therefore, I am trying to curb the political commentary. With that said, I do have a few random thoughts I'd like to share with you....
->Are you familiar with the tale of the Boy who Cried Wolf? Seems more and more relevant every day, doesn't it? In the end, the wolf eats the boy. I fear we will all soon be covered with ketchup.
->A headline on the NBC News website reads "American jihadi rapper reportedly killed in Somalia". I think I'm okay with that. Seriously. He was a dude from Alabama, who joined an al Qaeda linked Somali militant group and spent his days posting videos of himself, rapping about jihad, on YouTube. Is it any wonder that someone killed him? It was probably a relative.
->A 10 year old Tennessee student was asked to write an essay about her "idol". She wrote her essay about God. She was informed that God was not an "acceptable subject" for the assignment. She wrote about Michael Jackson instead. That was accepted without question. Lovely.
->Did you know that the U.S. Government owns one-third of all U.S. land, including 80% of Nevada and Alaska and half of Idaho. With that said, the Government now wants to spend another $2.3 Billion to purchase even more land. It isn't clear why but, what the heck, it's not like there's a deficit or anything.
->Are you familiar with the tale of the Boy who Cried Wolf? Seems more and more relevant every day, doesn't it? In the end, the wolf eats the boy. I fear we will all soon be covered with ketchup.
->A headline on the NBC News website reads "American jihadi rapper reportedly killed in Somalia". I think I'm okay with that. Seriously. He was a dude from Alabama, who joined an al Qaeda linked Somali militant group and spent his days posting videos of himself, rapping about jihad, on YouTube. Is it any wonder that someone killed him? It was probably a relative.
->A 10 year old Tennessee student was asked to write an essay about her "idol". She wrote her essay about God. She was informed that God was not an "acceptable subject" for the assignment. She wrote about Michael Jackson instead. That was accepted without question. Lovely.
->Did you know that the U.S. Government owns one-third of all U.S. land, including 80% of Nevada and Alaska and half of Idaho. With that said, the Government now wants to spend another $2.3 Billion to purchase even more land. It isn't clear why but, what the heck, it's not like there's a deficit or anything.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Never Forget?
Hello My Dear Friends. On this September 11th, as in years past, we reflect on the tragedy that befell this Country in 2001. You don't need me to tell you anything about that day. It was our generation's "moment". Like the assassination of President Kennedy or the bombing of Pearl Harbor, we know exactly where we were and what we were doing when it happened. We can close our eyes and see the images of that day as if it were yesterday. It will always be that way for us. We will Never Forget because we can't forget. Tragedy scars the soul and, like a tattoo, it will always be there. This day, of course, is far worse for those who lost their loved ones. 2977 people were killed that day, 2753 of them in New York. Over 1700 families who lost loved ones never received their remains. Hundreds more have died from diseases contracted during the clean up. Thousands of U.S. Military men and woman have died in the battles that have ensued since 2001. Never Forget? I don't believe I will.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Oh the Humanity!
Hello My Dear Friends. Today I must share with you the horrific news that Mayor Stubbs, the Mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska was brutally attacked and mauled BY A DOG! That's right! The 16 year incumbent Mayor barely survived, suffering a punctured lung, fractured sternum and a five inch gash to his side! I am beyond appalled. This, by the way, is Mayor Stubbs...
...and he is the duly elected Mayor of Talkeetna, an Historical District of about 800 humans, located about 110 miles north of Anchorage. He is currently heavily sedated and fighting for his life. The suspect, described only as "a large dog" is still at large. If you have any information on this brutal attack...
Anyway, it is not really unusual to have an animal as Mayor. The Mayor of Syracuse, for instance, is an ass. The Mayor of San Diego was a dog (metaphorically of course) and many Mayors have been known to be rats! So, my dear friends, how do you know if your Mayor is actually a cat? (You knew this was coming)
5. His recent campaign appearances were viewed over a million times on YouTube.
4. Town holds an annual "Whiska Lickin" Festival
3. Runs on a promise to eliminate mice
2. Presents visiting dignitaries with the squeaky toy to the city
and, the #1 way to know if your Mayor is actually a cat...
1. The budget is balanced and taxes go down!
...and he is the duly elected Mayor of Talkeetna, an Historical District of about 800 humans, located about 110 miles north of Anchorage. He is currently heavily sedated and fighting for his life. The suspect, described only as "a large dog" is still at large. If you have any information on this brutal attack...
Anyway, it is not really unusual to have an animal as Mayor. The Mayor of Syracuse, for instance, is an ass. The Mayor of San Diego was a dog (metaphorically of course) and many Mayors have been known to be rats! So, my dear friends, how do you know if your Mayor is actually a cat? (You knew this was coming)
5. His recent campaign appearances were viewed over a million times on YouTube.
4. Town holds an annual "Whiska Lickin" Festival
3. Runs on a promise to eliminate mice
2. Presents visiting dignitaries with the squeaky toy to the city
and, the #1 way to know if your Mayor is actually a cat...
1. The budget is balanced and taxes go down!
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