
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Oh, The Things People Say!

Hello My Dear Friends! I realize that we all, at one time or another, say something that we wish we hadn't. Some people, however, say things that just leave me shaking my head. Take, for instance, congressman Phil Gingrey, a republican from Georgia. While addressing his colleagues on a bill that would exempt Congress and their employees from the pending Obamacare nightmare, Rep. Gingrey said, "[Congressional staffers] may be 33 years old now and not making a lot of money,” (according to an account published by National Review) “But in a few years they can just go to K Street and make 500,000 a year. Meanwhile I’m stuck here making $172,000 a year.” Let's just reflect on that statement for a moment.  Stuck here making $172,000 a year. Hmmm. People of Georgia, perhaps you can "unstick" him in November. I'm not even going to get into the fact that Congress is exempting themselves from another law that they've forced on us! Next we have the case of 24-year old Mikayla Hull, of Michigan. After assaulting and stealing the purse of a 75-year old woman, Hull was tackled and pinned down by witnesses until police arrived. Hull defended her actions by saying, "Dude, she's rich. She was eating in a restaurant".  Well thought out defense, don't you think?Finally, we have Saudi Cleric Muhammad Ali Shanqiti. Addressing his flock on the bevy of "black-eyed virgins" that wait them in paradise as a servant of Allah, (4900 according to Shanqiti) the Cleric told them "each is more beautiful than the last. God help you..." Yup! Interesting turn of phrase, don't you think? Some people really should think before they speak.

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