
Friday, April 4, 2014

Random Thoughts Over Catnip

Hello My Dear Friends! We've made it through another week of madness. I, for one, say bring on the weekend! This week President Obama held a press conference to tout the success of Obamacare. In doing so he said, "We didn't make a hard sell. We didn't have billions of dollars to spend on commercials like our critics did". Whaaaaat? LOL! The delusion continues. We learned this week that, in 2010, the US Agency for International Development, which oversees billions of dollars in US humanitarian aid, secretly created the "Cuban Twitter" in an attempt to undermine Cuba's communist government. I know, right? They just make this too easy for me. So, you can put together a team to build  an entire covert social network but you can't get One Freaking Healthcare Website to work after spending a Billion Dollars! That's leadership, people, that's leadership! Indiana Senator Dan Coats (R) went to his Appropriations Subcommittee Hearing yesterday armed with dozens of questions for the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (yes, that's an actual title). He took his seat and waited over an hour for his turn to speak. When his turn arrived, he asked his first question. Unfortunately for the Senator, he was questioning the Department of the Treasury Under Secretary. Senator Coats was in the wrong room. An aide handed him a note alerting him to the error since it was apparent that the senator had no clue. In his defense, the Senator explained that he "saw some familiar faces" and thought that was where he was supposed to be. Um, there's only 100 Senators. I would hope you'd see familiar faces everywhere you go Mr. Coats. Perhaps a visit to would help. Finally, what is up with the "Beggin Party Popper" dog treats? Have you seen them? Have we really become so lazy that we're will to pay extra to avoid tossing a dog treat? It's a dog treat, people. If you're too lazy to toss it, just drop it on the floor. Dog don't care! Where will it end people? Enjoy the weekend!

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