Hello My Dear Friends! Every time I say "this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard", someone has to step up and prove me wrong! WTF people. Let's start with the annual fight over Texas school books. As you know, Texas is the largest purchaser of text books in the nation thus, what they decide on as content usually makes it way into text books around the Country. That is how students end up believing that Pilgrims are simply "travelers" and September 11, 2001 was something we had coming. Anyway, one of the many debates this time around is over global warming. It seems the publisher dared to suggest that, although it is widely accepted that the earth is warming, not everyone agrees on why. Apparently that isn't true and, according to one "scholar" it does a "disservice to students to suggest that the behavior of man is not to blame". LOL! What? Another "scholar" said that "mentions of Christianity should be removed from history books" so that students get a "factually accurate" picture of history. What? You do know why the "travelers" left England, right? Let the battle rage on. I'm sure the final product will be wonderfully accurate.
Let's talk about the insanity going on in the Middle East. As you know the President said the battle against ISIS will not include American combat "boots on the ground". He the sent another 400 "military advisers" to the region. Apparently they're not wearing boots. I don't really think, at this point, we should be splitting hairs over footwear, but here we are. We are, however, sending 3000 boot wearing soldiers to West Africa to fight Ebola! Excuse me? Ebola is a virus that has killed about 2400 people. ISIS is a terrorist network that has killed about 5500 people! Am I missing something here? Soldiers should be fighting terrorists. Doctors should be fighting Ebola, right? Has Ebola vowed to destroy America? Has Ebola beheaded any Americans? Could we please get our priorities straight. Yes, we have to help contain and eliminate the Ebola virus. It is very serious. But, it is NOT what our military is for. Here's an idea. Let's round up all of those Texas scholars, throw in the geniuses from the CDC who mailed out the anthrax in a ziplock bag, team them up with Congress and send all of them to West Africa to battle Ebola. Heck, there are at least 20 doctors in Congress. They'd be a lot more useful than soldiers and, those other folks appear to have a lot of free time on their hands. Off you go now. save the world.
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