
Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Pendulum of Life

Hello My Dear Friends! It's been my experience, and yours too I suspect, that ideas, attitudes and beliefs in this Country swing, like a pendulum, from left to right every decade or so. The swing usually begins when the hypocrisy of the current winds blow a little too hard. Like when hundreds of diplomats, activists and "experts" all take private jets to a conference on Global Warming. I'm sure you've noticed that the current swing is clearly to the left. On the left you generally find more government control, less personal freedom and, as a result, less personal responsibility. For instance, Forbes columnist Bill Frezza was fired after publishing an on-line column stating "Drunk female guests are the gravest threat to fraternities". His argument, for the most part, was that some girls show up at frat parties drunk, get even drunker at the party and bad things happen. Yada, yada, yada. However misguided Mr. Frezza's opinion was, (and it was offensive), it was his opinion. As a professional columnist, his job is to write his opinion. He was fired for doing his job. It happens every day now. We no longer have a right to our opinion unless that opinion is in line with the sensitivity police. Cross the line and you could lose everything. Just ask Donald Sterling. Elsewhere, an Albany-area school district banned the wearing of tee shirts that were handed out by National Guard recruiters because the shirts depicted the silhouette of a soldier holding a gun in front of the American Flag. The dress code prohibits the wearing of anything with the images of a gun. It happens every day now. Wearing something depicting a weapon, pointing your fingers in the shape of a gun, toy guns as small as a quarter, biting a pop tart into the shape of a gun, these are all reasons that students as young as 5 have been suspended from school. Scofflaws, like "occupy Wall Street" and looters, like in Freguson, Missouri, are portrayed as downtrodden victims of an unfair world, while American heroes, Veterans, are dying while waiting for medical care; while former U.S. Marine Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi is left to rot in a Mexican prison. It happens every day now. The thing about pendulums is, the farther you push them in one direction, the faster and farther they swing in the other. I can't help but wonder if today's pushers are prepared for the swoosh of the pending swing. I guess we'll all find out soon enough.

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