
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Stupid Begets Stupid

Hello My Dear Friends! I've spent a great deal of time lately observing the humans that you allow to roam freely. I have come to the conclusion that just about everyone under 30 is a dumbass. Don't laugh. My opinion of those of you over 30 isn't much better. Imagine my surprise the other day when, having a political discussion with a young human, I was informed that Barak Obama, just like John Kennedy with Vietnam, was just trying to end a war that the Republicans started. When I informed him that Kennedy was actually the one who sent US Troops to Vietnam he proudly corrected me by saying, "No way dude, that was Nixon". Wow. I walked away terrified by the fact that, that young man, was raising a child. It got me to thinking that this generation, possibly the dumbest in recorded history, is raising the generation that will be caring for us in our waning years! I know, right? Now you're terrified too. I really don't blame this generation (entirely) for their dumbassery (yes, I am making up words, but they're good ones!) Dumbassery: (dumb-ASS-er-y) noun; the state of being a dumbass. Anyway, this is a generation that was raised to believe that Wikipedia was actually a dictionary filled with facts. They believe that, if they read it on Facebook, it must be true. They are lied to daily about just about everything. They've had no credible media to turn to for the truth and it isn't going to get any better. They've received "participation trophies" and believed it was an accomplishment! They're being taught that adding 349 + 175 and coming up with 524 isn't right. They should add the hundreds, tens and ones (300+100, 40+70, 9+5) to come hopefully up with 524. It's "reform" math where the process is more important than the outcome. I'm not making that up. Ask a teacher! They don't use punctuation, spelling is "a plus" and they're no longer being taught cursive writing! Therefore, My Dear Friends, it is up to us! We are the last defense in the war on dumbassery! We need to start setting the record straight one dumbass at a time. Get on board Grandmas and Grandpas. Dumbassery can skip a generation but not without your help! Don't wallow in the knowledge that you've actually raised a dumbass. Take action now! Pull out those old flash cards. Get a scrabble game. Teach your grand kids to write their names! Show them how a checkbook works, just in case. Bake some cookies. Teach them to cook. And, while you're at it, teach them the National Anthem. It couldn't hurt! In closing, My Dear Friends, only YOU can break the cycle of dumbassery. I know you're up for the task! Have at it!

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