
Friday, October 28, 2011

Occupy Reality

Hello my dear friends!  I was going to simply ignore this whole "occupy Wall Street" nonsense, like most of America but today I heard one protester say he could no longer afford to pay his college loan (Harvard Grad) and his iPhone bill!  Another protester announced how he couldn't make ends meet on his pension alone.  Turns out he's a retired NYC teacher who's pension is $7700.00 dollars a month!  My heart breaks for these people.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not anti-protest.  This country was born of protest.  I am, and always have been, anti dumbass! So, to the protesters (who haven't had their iPads stolen yet), there are several reasons that you're "movement has gained mainstream support.  First, you need a better public face.  This is twofold. Literally, take a bath, shave, change your clothes.  You look more like a shanty town than an organized protest and you smell. Nobody wants to be around the smelly kid. Figuratively, be more selective on who among you speaks to the press.  There has to be someone there who can string together a thirty second sound bite without saying something stupid. Announcing that your protest is being funded "mainly with credit card donations made through your website is, well, ironic at best. Also, celebrities like Alec Baldwin and Kanye West really don't help your cause.  In case you're unaware, they are filthy rich.  You know, the people you blame for your failures...and Sean Lennon? Really? Singing a Madonna song. Sean, of anyone, would know how difficult it is to survive in America when all you have to live on is your daddy's millions. Also, urinating, defecating and have sex in public tends to put people off.  Seriously, it does. Instead of spending all of your funds on sleeping bags for the masses, try renting a porta-potty. Additionally, the open drug use is starting to harm your credibility.  Finally, and I can't believe you haven't figured this out yourself, you're in the WRONG PLACE!  If you don't like the way this country is run, OCCUPY PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE! Jiminy Crickets!  Do I have to tell you people everything?

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