Hello My Dear Friends! I apologize for my laziness lately. It's been a while since I've been able to sit down and collect my thoughts to share with you. It's no surprise that, in my absence, the world has once again gone mad! Where to begin? Let's start with the Ex-Im Bank. The what? You're going to be hearing a lot about this in the coming months. The Export-Import Bank, simply put, redirects your Federal Tax Dollars to foreign entities so they can purchase American made products overseas. It's charter with the U.S. Government is set to expire at the end of September and a political fight over extending it is brewing. Who benefits from the work of the Ex-Im Bank? Well, lately the biggest beneficiaries have been Boeing, Enron and General Electric. All companies, as you know, that are in dire need of taxpayer support. Last year the Ex-Im Bank backed $34.7 billion in exports. In the 2nd quarter of this year, Boeing reported a 52% increase in profits or $1.65 Billion. That's one quarter's profits. I'm just saying.....
The Government announced this week that the economy continues to improve and that inflation has been kept in check. I can only assume that the Government hasn't been to a grocery store this year! Now, I realize that there is a very complicated, incomprehensible formula to gauge "inflation". I, being a simple Cat, don't understand all of the math. I do, however, understand that the cost of food has doubled, gas prices are ridiculously high, energy costs have skyrocketed and taxes are out of control. I'd call that inflation. Apparently, none of those factors play in to the inflation rate. Oh well, then I guess things are great!
It's been reported this week that folks in Colorado are using their EBT (welfare) cards to buy weed! I, for one, am shocked! Who could have seen this coming? The Government wants to add marijuana parlors to the list of places where you can not withdraw cash on your EBT card, along with casinos and liquor stores. Brilliant! That should fix the problem. They'll never think to stop by the 7-11 on their way to the weed store and grab their cash! Why don't we try this instead. Since all major retailers, grocery stores and service providers accept EBT cards as payment, how about stopping cash withdrawals all together? Has it not crossed anyone's mind that the only reason to make a cash withdrawal on an EBT card is to purchase something you're not supposed to? Look, I have no problem helping people in need, BUT, people in need of weed are not really on my radar!
With the "crisis" on the border continuing, wars raging in the Middle East, and Russia on a rampage, our U.S Congress has made a decision. They're taking their 5 week summer vacation as scheduled! LOL! A well earned rest from all of the stress of doing nothing for so long! Whew! I feel better.
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