
Saturday, July 12, 2014

WFT! I've Been Violated!

Hello My Dear Friends! Please brace yourself because I have a horrifying tale to tell. It all started quite innocently. My personal physician, Dr. Rae Clark came by the prison for my check up. That's right, my personal physician makes house calls. I do not travel. I hate the car. Anyway, Dr. Clark came by to see me and I endured the usual poking and prodding. And then, while the Dumb Captor (Kathy) was away, the Mean Captor (Mike), well, agreed to this......

I am devastated! Why, people, Why? The Doctor and her evil assistant SHAVED me! SHAVED ME! By the time the Dumb Captor got home, it was too late. The carnage had already begun. She was stunned. I know this would not have happened if she were home. My "Enemy List" grew extensively yesterday. They will pay for this torture. I am the laughing stock of the prison I once ruled. I may never recover.

Pray for me People. This is the worst day of my life!

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