
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Angry Days 23-25

Hello People. You're making me nuts. You know that, right?
#23 The death of Journalism. Every time I think today's "journalists" have sunk as far as they can go, one steps up to prove me wrong. On Tuesday House Republicans selected their Standing Committee Chairs for the 114th Congress. Here's how Daniel Newhauser of the National Journal decided to cover that story:
November 18, 2014 House Republicans have selected white men to chair all but one of their standing committees next year.
The secretive Republican Steering Committee announced its recommendations late Tuesday after an all-day meeting to pick the heads of 17 committees, with all of those slots going to white men. Rep. Candice Miller, who was previously reappointed by Speaker John Boehner to lead the House Administration Committee, will remain the only woman to wield a gavel.
Mr. Newhauser, not only are you NOT a journalist, you're a jackass. You piss me off!
#24 JetBlue Airways Corp. has decided to improve it's lagging profit margin by making air travel even more unpleasant! They will be cutting the "leg room" between seats to about 33 inches, so they can squeeze in more seats and, if you fly coach, they'll be charging you to check your bags. Now, I know other airlines have done the same but, call me crazy, I'm not a CEO, if your goal is to attract more customers wouldn't it make more sense to offer more for less instead of less for more? 
#25 We all know that the Federal Government has a hard time managing it's (our) money but this is just ridiculous. So far this year, Medicare has shelled out $45 Billion dollars in erroneous "Fee for Services" payments. That's an error rate of nearly 13% for just one program! The Feds have doled out more than $100 Billion in "improper" payments a year for the past five years! It boggles the mind. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Angry Days 20-22

Hello People. Today, as I continue to celebrate my 100 days of anger, I'd like to begin with a shout out to my friends and family in the Buffalo area. Man, do your lives suck or what! I have to say, if you want that Golden Snowball Award so badly, just take it. Geez, even you have to admit that this is a bit excessive. It's starting to look like you're just showing off. So, I'll give it to you. You are the snow capitol of the world. You can stop now. Okay! Let's continue.
#20 The President, tomorrow night, will announce how he plans to single-handedly fix our Nation's "immigration problem". That's not what pisses me off. It comes as no surprise. What does piss me off is that the President of the United States of America announced his upcoming announcement ON FACEBOOK! Are you kidding me? Who are you? Kim Kardashian? Facebook? Really?
#21 Arsenic in rice. We've known for sometime that rice contains arsenic. Many foods do. Without getting too technical, there are two types of arsenic; organic and inorganic, with the inorganic being the nastier of the two. Regular exposure to arsenic increases your chances of getting lung, bladder or skin cancer, heart disease or Type 2 diabetes. Here's what pisses me off. Consumer Reports, in it's latest study, says brown rice has 80% more of the nasty inorganic arsenic than white rice does. But, they go on to say that brown rice has more nutrients in it, so you should keep eating it. What? Talk about a mixed message. If you're going to release a "study", don't you think it should have a point?#22 LeBron James caught all kinds of heat this week after saying he would not let his boys play football until  they're older. He says there are plenty of less dangerous sports they can play right now. Sportscasters called his opinion irresponsible. They said he was misinformed. They called him a hypocrite because, he, himself, played football in high school. People, could we PLEASE stop telling other people how to raise their children. If Mr. James doesn't want his 10-year old to play football, that's his business. Why try to shame him for worrying about the safety of his children just because you don't agree? Can't we all just get along?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Angry Days 16-19

Hello People. Every day, in every way, people find a way to piss me off. That is why I began my quest to to share 100 days of angry. Let's continue, shall we?
#16 The Syracuse "news" paper, the Post Standard. First, they announce that they will only be delivering their little rag 3 days a week. Then they raise the price. NOW, they slip a little notification in the Sunday paper (page A4) informing us, their "loyal PS subscriber" that they will be putting out a very special Thanksgiving edition that, even though we didn't ask for it and, even though we never get a paper on Thursday, they will be delivering it to us and charging us $2.00. They go on to say that it won't change our bill. Oh no. They'll just eliminate one paper that we did order to make up the difference! Are you freaking kidding me? On what planet do you get to take my money for one thing and replace it with something YOU think I need? I don't want your freaking ad laden holiday edition. I want the freaking ad laden piece of crap I paid for! You really piss me off!
#17 The saga of Jon Gruber continues. You know Mr. Gruber, he's the "architect" of Obamacare who proudly announced that counted on the "stupidity" of the American voter to get it passed. First Nancy Pelosi proclaimed that she didn't even know who the guy was, until various videos of her praising him surfaced. Oh, that guy. Now, the President claimed Mr. Gruber was never even on the staff. Really, Mr. President? Can you then explain to me why we, the taxpayers, paid Mr. Gruber $400 Thousand dollars? Could you also explain why you put Mr. Gruber in one of your Obamacare ads explaining why this cluster f*@k was such a great idea? I didn't think so.
#18 Selective outrage. There is a growing backlash against actress Alyssa Milano for posting selfies of herself breastfeeding her baby. Oh, the humanity! How could she show such an outrageous display of motherhood? Shame on her, right? The fact that, just last week, pictures of Kim Kardashian's bare ass were everywhere, including the evening news, is irrelevant. Apparently that was "art". People, there are so many things in this world to get outraged over. Trust me, a mother breastfeeding her child is not one of them.
Here's a bonus one for you. #19 A handful of students at Syracuse University have been staging a "sit-in" at the school to protest perceived injustices. The University met with the students, heard their "demands" and made reasonable concessions. But, the 40 or so students, say they will continue their sit-in until all of their "needs" are met. Their needs, supplied to the University, were 43 pages long! Among them, they want Columbus Day changed on the University calendar to "Indigenous People Day".  Ok. Enough is enough. What you "need" aside from a dictionary, is to get up off your lazy asses and get back to class!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sweet Vindication! I told You So!

Hello People. As my sister PoKitty has been saying and as I, myself, reiterated just the other day, Stupidity IS Contagious! Dr. Robert Yolken and colleagues at John Hopkins University has discovered a "Stupidity Virus"! The virus, ATCV-1, can impair thought, learning and memory, making those infected dumber. I KNEW IT! Imagine this. Researchers found the virus by accident, while looking for something else. They tested 92 healthy adults and 44% had the virus. Those infected scored 10% less on cognitive tests. That confirms my belief that half the people in this world are just plain stupid! Here's the kicker. "Scientists" believe the virus is contagious! Stupid is spreading. 44% of the control group was infected so, if you don't think you're stupid, take a hard look at the person next to you. Yup. Odds are that one of you has the stupid! This really brings so many things into perspective, doesn't it?
While I'm tooting my own horn, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said today that there would be "glitches" and "down time" when re-enrollment into Obamacare launches on Saturday. Gee, who could have seen that coming? Luckily, even the government doesn't expect that many people to sign up. HHS has revised the revisions of their revised numbers and now say about 9.1 million people will enroll. LOL. Wasn't the original projection 25 million? I think it was. Amazingly, when Apple launched the iPhone 6, their website handled hundreds of millions hits from around the world without incident. I'm just saying. Anyway, with all of this nonsense going on, and taking into consideration the aforementioned "Stupidity Virus", statements made by economist Jon Gruber, the chief architect of Obamacare, are going viral. Gruber said (and I quote) "The stupidity of the American voter" made it important for him and the Democrats to hide Obamacare's true costs from the public. "That was really, really critical for the thing to pass", Gruber said. I guess that says it all people. Once again, you heard it here first. We are clearly ATCV-1 Virus free!
Po & Sway

Monday, November 10, 2014

Angry Days 13-15!

Hello People. I thought that looking for things that piss me off for 100 days in a row would be difficult. I was wrong. You people make it easy.
#13 Andre Robinson. This 21-year old jackass from Brooklyn proudly posted a video of himself kicking a stray cat, like a football, over a fence and laughing about it with his friends. Police tracked him down and arrested him for animal cruelty. This punk, with 8 prior arrests including one for a knife-point robbery, is arguing that if the video was of him kicking a person he wouldn't have been arrested. Well Andre, a person could have kicked you back or, God willing, kicked your ass. That poor little kitten was defenseless. Not so funny now, is it, you *@&#^% little puke!
#14 People whining about retail workers having to work on Thanksgiving. Here's a news flash. Thousands of jobs require that you work holidays, including my captor's. Media, health care, hospitality, transportation, public safety, entertainment, the list goes on and on. You, retail worker, are not special. Trust me. Here's another news flash. The turkey is just as good on Wednesday or Friday. Try to wrap your head around this, Thanksgiving is a day when family gathers together to enjoy a big meal and count their blessings. The 4th Thursday in November was chosen by Franklin Roosevelt in 1941. It has no other historical meaning. My point is, if your family can't arrange dinner during the 16 hours you wont be working on Thursday, you can be equally as thankful on Wednesday or Friday, or Saturday or Sunday. May I suggest the first thing you give thanks for is the fact that you have a job and a family.
#15 HealthCare.Gov.  Reports say that federal health officials and government contractors are "scrambling to make contingency plans" in case the Health Care web site crashes during open enrollment like it did last year. Call me crazy but, what the hell have you people been doing for the last 11 months? What is the problem here? You had two years to set the damn thing up to begin with. That was an unmitigated disaster. Now, what? You sat around for 10 months hoping it wouldn't happen again? So, with less than a week before the big day you're "scrambling" for a back up plan? It's like the lazy leading the stupid. You people really piss me off!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Angry Days 10-12

Hello People. Who says these are not toys? They're awesome! Anyway, allow me to continue my list of 100 days of pissed off.
#10 The lowest common denominator! On December 7th, the History Channel will air a special called "Eaten Alive". A man, in a special protective suit, will be eaten alive by an anaconda, while filming the entire "experience". This is so wrong, on so many levels, I barely know where to begin. This is obviously an elaborate production to draw in viewers, and it will. But, what kind of person watches such a thing? Do you really want a following of people who plop down on their couch, with a bowl of popcorn, to watch a human being eaten alive by a snake? EATEN ALIVE BY A SNAKE! What the hell is wrong with you people? This is what happens when you cancel Honey BooBoo. What's next? I don't even want to know. You piss me off!
#11 "Bodyshaming". Protests are breaking out over a Victoria's Secret campaign called "The Perfect Body" which, as you can imagine, featured 8 beautiful, and ridiculously skinny, models. Protesters, of course, say the ads, meant to sell underwear, "promote unhealthy and unrealistic standards of beauty".  First, stop using the term "bodyshaming". It's goofy. Second, Victoria's Secret is a company that sells sexy undergarments. I'm pretty sure that a picture of fat people in their underwear wouldn't accomplish that goal. Third, if your self image is so fragile, why are you flipping through a Victoria's Secret catalog? Why don't you pick up a book or a newspaper instead. Many people believe "smart" is sexy and you can still eat doughnuts.
#12 Voters in two states and Washington, DC, approved bills to legalize recreational marijuana on Tuesday. I don't really care one way or the other however, do we really want recreational weed in Washington? Don't we have enough problems? Can't you just picture the great Senator Strip mall, I mean Schumer, jamming his face onto a news camera with a buzz? I can. We've already has a group of Senators request a study on why lesbians are fat. What studies do you think they'll come up with when they're stoned, instead of just drunk? It simply boggles the mind.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Angry Days 7-9. I'm Just Getting Started

Hello People. As you know, in response to the nauseating onslaught of 100 Days of Happiness and 100 Days of Thankfulness posts smothering social media, I have launched my 100 Days of Pissed Off! Let's start with #7. My last post was entitled "Angry Days 4-7". It only went to #6. Thank you soooo much to all of you who took the time to point that out!
#7 All of you who took the time to point out that I screwed up. Don't do it again. You pissed me off!
#8 Election Night results. I'm not talking about the actual results, although some of them did piss me off. No, I'm talking about the coverage of said results. Picture it: The far too pretty Election Night anchors sit before the camera with the giant timer on the screen behind them counting down, three, two, one..."The polls in New York have just closed and we are prepared to declare that Andrew Cuomo has been re-elected to a second term".  Really? Without a single vote being counted. You couldn't wait, say, three minutes to at least pretend to care how people actually voted? Now, I realize that it was a forgone conclusion that Cuomo was going to win but, if we're not even going to wait for one precinct, out of over 15,000, to actually report before declaring a winner, what's the point? I hear people, especially young people, say they didn't bother to vote because their vote doesn't mean anything. Gee, I wonder where they got that idea? Does this ring a bell with anyone?

#9 The phrase "Lone Wolf". Lunatics are running around this Country, and others, attacking police and soldiers and beheading innocent people. In each case the killer has openly identified himself as a member of or a sympathizer with an Islamic terrorist group. Yet, in each case we label these terrorists as "Lone Wolves". Exactly how many "lone wolves" does it take to make a "pack"? When are we going to stop hiding behind political correctness and call a duck a duck? If a group of individuals commit the same crimes for the same reason, they are not "lone". They are the same. They are a pack of wolves and, by ignoring them, their pack continues to grow. If it walks like a terrorist and talks like a terrorist......Don't call them lone wolves. It pisses me off! And, I'll bet the wolves are too happy about it either.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Angry Days 4-7!

Hello People. Welcome back to my world of 100 days of Pissed Off! I hope 100 days is enough to clear my plate.
#4 The Washington Redskins "controversy". A couple thousand people turned out in Minnesota to protest the "Redskins" nickname yesterday. This is the dumbest protest on Earth today. Did you know that Annenberg Public Policy Center found that 90% of Native Americans surveyed did NOT find the term "Redskin" offensive. Did you know that 62 high schools in the US have the Redskins nickname and, three of the schools are Native American Schools? With that said, I have a few other statistics for you. The unemployment rate among Native Americans is 11% compared to 6.7% national average. 25% of Native Americans live in poverty compared to the 16% national average. Native Americans have the highest suicide rate among ethnic groups. These are facts. Why, then, I ask you, are these knuckleheads protesting a nickname? If they truly cared about their people there are far more important issues to focus on! So, knock it off, you're pissing me off!
#5 Food packaging. Have you noticed how much heavier food packaging is getting? I pulled the "absorbent pad" off the bottom of some chicken on Saturday and it weighed nearly a pound! Bigger boxes and bags with less and less product inside, water added, bone-in verses bone out prices. Hey Manufacturers, why don't you spend more time improving the quality of your product and less time looking for ways to rip us off! You piss me off!
#6 Political robo-calls. Are you kidding me! You call me, in my home, and play a recording of what you're about? I already know what you're about. You're about narcissism! You clearly don't care what I think. What if I had a question? You want my vote, you just don't want to talk to me about it? Too busy, are you? Thank goodness I'm not too busy to answer the phone. If you're too busy to talk, don't call me. You piss me off!