
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sweet Vindication! I told You So!

Hello People. As my sister PoKitty has been saying and as I, myself, reiterated just the other day, Stupidity IS Contagious! Dr. Robert Yolken and colleagues at John Hopkins University has discovered a "Stupidity Virus"! The virus, ATCV-1, can impair thought, learning and memory, making those infected dumber. I KNEW IT! Imagine this. Researchers found the virus by accident, while looking for something else. They tested 92 healthy adults and 44% had the virus. Those infected scored 10% less on cognitive tests. That confirms my belief that half the people in this world are just plain stupid! Here's the kicker. "Scientists" believe the virus is contagious! Stupid is spreading. 44% of the control group was infected so, if you don't think you're stupid, take a hard look at the person next to you. Yup. Odds are that one of you has the stupid! This really brings so many things into perspective, doesn't it?
While I'm tooting my own horn, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said today that there would be "glitches" and "down time" when re-enrollment into Obamacare launches on Saturday. Gee, who could have seen that coming? Luckily, even the government doesn't expect that many people to sign up. HHS has revised the revisions of their revised numbers and now say about 9.1 million people will enroll. LOL. Wasn't the original projection 25 million? I think it was. Amazingly, when Apple launched the iPhone 6, their website handled hundreds of millions hits from around the world without incident. I'm just saying. Anyway, with all of this nonsense going on, and taking into consideration the aforementioned "Stupidity Virus", statements made by economist Jon Gruber, the chief architect of Obamacare, are going viral. Gruber said (and I quote) "The stupidity of the American voter" made it important for him and the Democrats to hide Obamacare's true costs from the public. "That was really, really critical for the thing to pass", Gruber said. I guess that says it all people. Once again, you heard it here first. We are clearly ATCV-1 Virus free!
Po & Sway

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