
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Angry Days 20-22

Hello People. Today, as I continue to celebrate my 100 days of anger, I'd like to begin with a shout out to my friends and family in the Buffalo area. Man, do your lives suck or what! I have to say, if you want that Golden Snowball Award so badly, just take it. Geez, even you have to admit that this is a bit excessive. It's starting to look like you're just showing off. So, I'll give it to you. You are the snow capitol of the world. You can stop now. Okay! Let's continue.
#20 The President, tomorrow night, will announce how he plans to single-handedly fix our Nation's "immigration problem". That's not what pisses me off. It comes as no surprise. What does piss me off is that the President of the United States of America announced his upcoming announcement ON FACEBOOK! Are you kidding me? Who are you? Kim Kardashian? Facebook? Really?
#21 Arsenic in rice. We've known for sometime that rice contains arsenic. Many foods do. Without getting too technical, there are two types of arsenic; organic and inorganic, with the inorganic being the nastier of the two. Regular exposure to arsenic increases your chances of getting lung, bladder or skin cancer, heart disease or Type 2 diabetes. Here's what pisses me off. Consumer Reports, in it's latest study, says brown rice has 80% more of the nasty inorganic arsenic than white rice does. But, they go on to say that brown rice has more nutrients in it, so you should keep eating it. What? Talk about a mixed message. If you're going to release a "study", don't you think it should have a point?#22 LeBron James caught all kinds of heat this week after saying he would not let his boys play football until  they're older. He says there are plenty of less dangerous sports they can play right now. Sportscasters called his opinion irresponsible. They said he was misinformed. They called him a hypocrite because, he, himself, played football in high school. People, could we PLEASE stop telling other people how to raise their children. If Mr. James doesn't want his 10-year old to play football, that's his business. Why try to shame him for worrying about the safety of his children just because you don't agree? Can't we all just get along?

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