
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Angry Days 7-9. I'm Just Getting Started

Hello People. As you know, in response to the nauseating onslaught of 100 Days of Happiness and 100 Days of Thankfulness posts smothering social media, I have launched my 100 Days of Pissed Off! Let's start with #7. My last post was entitled "Angry Days 4-7". It only went to #6. Thank you soooo much to all of you who took the time to point that out!
#7 All of you who took the time to point out that I screwed up. Don't do it again. You pissed me off!
#8 Election Night results. I'm not talking about the actual results, although some of them did piss me off. No, I'm talking about the coverage of said results. Picture it: The far too pretty Election Night anchors sit before the camera with the giant timer on the screen behind them counting down, three, two, one..."The polls in New York have just closed and we are prepared to declare that Andrew Cuomo has been re-elected to a second term".  Really? Without a single vote being counted. You couldn't wait, say, three minutes to at least pretend to care how people actually voted? Now, I realize that it was a forgone conclusion that Cuomo was going to win but, if we're not even going to wait for one precinct, out of over 15,000, to actually report before declaring a winner, what's the point? I hear people, especially young people, say they didn't bother to vote because their vote doesn't mean anything. Gee, I wonder where they got that idea? Does this ring a bell with anyone?

#9 The phrase "Lone Wolf". Lunatics are running around this Country, and others, attacking police and soldiers and beheading innocent people. In each case the killer has openly identified himself as a member of or a sympathizer with an Islamic terrorist group. Yet, in each case we label these terrorists as "Lone Wolves". Exactly how many "lone wolves" does it take to make a "pack"? When are we going to stop hiding behind political correctness and call a duck a duck? If a group of individuals commit the same crimes for the same reason, they are not "lone". They are the same. They are a pack of wolves and, by ignoring them, their pack continues to grow. If it walks like a terrorist and talks like a terrorist......Don't call them lone wolves. It pisses me off! And, I'll bet the wolves are too happy about it either.

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