Hello my dear friends. I often speak about how the English language is going to heck. Kids today have no grasp on proper English. I often ask why. Is it our schools? Is it laziness? Do they think it's cute? While I'm sure it's probably a mixture of all of those reasons, it's also something else. It's who we are. Last night, during his speech to the DNC, former President (and Rhodes Scholar) Bill Clinton uttered the phrase "It just ain't so". Seriously, Mr. President? I know it is the goal of every politician to connect with the "common man" but, quite frankly, I prefer our leaders to be a little smarter than the "common man". Obviously, Mr. Clinton knows better. He said this for affect and it was warmly received. I get that. Speaking to a national audience in the vernacular of one who has wheels on their home, is not what I expect from a former President. Especially one as intelligent as Bill Clinton. If we can't count on our leaders to speak properly, there is no hope for the future of our language. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are becoming a lost art. Spell check has become a major player in it's demise. Have you noticed how often these days the wrong word is used in printed media and television scrolls across the bottom of your screen. My favorite example is when our illustrious local paper ran a headline regarding the "ERIC" Canal. Erie, Eric, whatever. It cleared spell check. Since the birth of texting and Twitter, grammar and punctuation are non-existent. Without proper punctuation we get signs like "Slow Children Crossing". What ever happened to capitalization? Capitalization is the difference between "helping your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle jack off a horse". It's important. So people, let's lead by example. Let's resist the urge to say "I be lovin' me some pizza" and go with the more coherent "I love pizza". Try it for a week. Let's see if it catches on!
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