Hello my dear friends. Today I write with a heavy heart. The events of September 11, 2001 are as fresh in my mind today as they were 11 years ago. We will never forget the tragedy that took place in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. So many lives cut short. So many brave men and women lost. First responders, yes, but also average, every day men and women who ignored the danger and fought to save the lives of people they did not know. So much loss. So much destruction. Why? Hate. Young men, terrorists, filled with anger and hate. That is why, on this day, it is important to "Never Forget" the tragedy that took place but it is also important to remember what brought it all about. Blind hate. Nothing good, nothing positive, ever comes from hate. So on this Day of Remembrance, this Day of Service, let's also make this a day free from hate. One heart at a time. Let's all let go of past grievances, anger, bitterness and estrangement, knowing as we do that life is far too short. To the Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Brothers and Sisters that we're lost to hate on that fateful day, may you rest in peace. To all of those who lost loved ones and friends, may you find peace. For the rest of us, use today to reach out to someone we've separated from, for whatever reason, and make peace. Let's vow to eliminate hate, one heart at a time, starting with our own. God Bless America.
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