
Monday, September 10, 2012

Enough Sheeple! Go Away!

Hello my dear friends. I'm about to insult a number of you so, let me just say in advance, good. That is my intention. I have always known that this world was filled with Sheeple (a combination or "portmanteau" of 'sheep' and 'people' referring to those, who like herd animals, just blindly follow along). This has never been more apparent since the advent of Facebook. We have discussed this before but, apparently, you weren't listening. Now, I have finally reached the end of my rope. So here, my dear friends, is an open letter to the Sheeple of Facebook. If you feel this refers to you and you are offended by it, please, by all means, un-friend me, block me, delete this blog from your updates. Do us both a favor and let's part ways.

Dear Sheeple,
Spending hours each day "sharing" Facebook chain mails with cute, endearing, spiritual or God help us all POLITICAL messages is a waste of your time and, more importantly, MINE! Aside from the fact that these "messages" are created by marketing firms to collect personal data and on-line trends, they are nonsense! If you feel the need "click and share" so your "friends" know you love your children, your parents, Jesus, your pets or anything else, you REALLY need better friends. I have tolerated your constant need to let me, and everyone else, know that you are capable of reading other people's clever remarks, while adding your own clever "LOL" before passing it along. Now, with this new flood of political commentary, I have to put my paw down. Enough is enough! Let me say that if you really feel you have some unique political insight that would help me make an informed decision on November 7th then please, share it with me. I would love to hear it. Maybe we could discuss it. But, and this is a BIG but, if the extent of your political insight is "sharing" another anonymous Facebook chain mail "poster" (the vast majority of which are bullcheese) then please take me off your friend list. There's a 99.9% chance that we are not friends anyway. Let me offer an example of what pushed me over the edge. The other day I was scrolling through my page to see what my friends were up to. After deleting 27 (yes 27) political posts (and promptly blocking the people who posted them) I came across one that really ticked me off. It listed the "accomplishments" of the current administration and called for four more years. Someone had commented on the post that is was, in fact, factually incorrect. That was followed by a barrage of comments attacking the person as a "hater" a "moron" and a "right wing freak". One person posted "these are the facts, if you disagree then back up your opinion with facts and NOT something you heard on Fox News". The original post said the national debt was $1.6 trillion dollars. Anyone who has even seen a newspaper in the last four years knows that's incorrect. But this is what I took from the whole exchange. The original poster "shared" something he knew nothing about, claiming it was FACT because, well, he read it on Facebook. He challenged the dissenter to dispute his Facebook post, but not with anything he'd heard on the NEWS. Really? In closing (yes, I'm almost done and, if you're still reading this I assume you agree with me) when someone posts one of these political chain mails with the comment "this says it all" I'd like you to inform that person that they are correct. I says all we need to know about you. It says:
#1  You'd like to participate in the political discussion but you aren't smart enough to do so on your own.
#2  You're too lazy to do your own research and, in turn, form your own opinions
#3  You are one of the Sheeple and therefore have nothing original to offer.
There. I'm done. Block me, un-friend me, bash me on twitter. Just please, GO AWAY!
Much Love,

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