
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Too Fat to Die and Other Stuff

Hello my dear friends! Several stories in the news this week have caught my attention. First, the Cranston, Rhode Island School district has banned the annual Father-Daughter Dance because it is apparently against the law. Turns out that it's a violation of the State's gender discrimination law. How do we know this? ONE single mother complained that her daughter couldn't go. So it stands to reason that you would prevent the entire school district from taking part. It would have just been silly to have her mother, an uncle or family friend bring her. It makes far more sense to prevent all girls in the district from spending quality time with their fathers knowing one girl didn't have a father. I assume only one girl in the district is fatherless since she was the only one who sued. Good job Cranston. You get it. You really get it!
Next, from the great State of Ohio, 53-year old death row inmate Ronald Post, is suing to prevent his execution saying, because he weighs over 480 pounds, his execution would amount to "a torturous and lingering death". Yup. So what's the problem? Well, Post says because of his weight, the execution gurney probably won't hold him so, with his weight, vein access, scar tissue, depression and other medical issues, executing him would be problematic. I, for one, am willing to risk it. Post says, because of all this, he should be allowed to live. 30-years ago Mr. Post robbed a motel and shot the clerk to death. She was an older woman who he shot twice in the back of the head. Hey Ohio! If the gurney won't hold him, roll him in and why worry about vein access or scar tissue? Shoot him! Case closed, right?
Finally, Mitt Romney is facing fierce criticism after a "secret tape" showed him saying that 47% of people supporting Obama will vote for him no matter what. Here's a piece:
“these are people who pay no income tax,” but they are people “who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it.”
Well, I am shocked! Only 47%? I would have thought that number was much higher. No wonder people are angry. 

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