
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Peanut, Wingnut, Is this What We've Become?

Hello my dear friends. We often speak of political correctness run amok. I really thought I had gotten to a point where nothing you people do or say would surprise me. I was wrong. Verenice Gutierrez, a school administrator in Portland, Oregon, says Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches have "Racial Connotations". Yup. Those racist PB&Js! It seems Ms. Gutierrez, a Principal at a K-8 school, took offense to a teacher using a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as an example in a math problem. She called the PB&J example "problematic and discriminatory" saying "what about Somali or Hispanic students who don't eat sandwiches"?  LOL! You can't make this stuff up. Apparently talking about food that some people don't eat is racist. Who knew? Fear not people. There is a solution. The schools are now integrating the "Courageous Conversation". This, according to Gutierrez, will help educators understand (I'm quoting here, I swear) ""their own white privilege". They can then use this knowledge to promote minority student's performance.This particular school district, by the way, is 50% Hispanic; 15% Black; 9% Asian and 7% Native American. One way they are doing this is by using lunchtime to host a drum class for Black and Hispanic boys only. Apparently "Minority" has a different definition in Oregon. When questioned about this popular program that excludes girls, Whites, Asians and Native Americans, Gutierrez replied (another direct quote, I swear) "When White people do it, it's not a problem, but if it's for kids of color, then it's a problem? Break it down for me. That's your white privilege and your whiteness".  Okey Dokey. I guess that explains that. I believe we're all better people for learning this. What would have happened if that math teacher had used a Fluffer Nutter instead of PB&J? All that additional whiteness! Good Gracious. It would have been pandemonium! So remember this people, you are not to discuss any type of food that is not eaten and accepted world wide or you are a racist. I believe that leaves celery on the approved food discussion list. Feel free to discuss.

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