
Friday, February 1, 2013

D-bags and Debutantes

Hello My Dear Friends. As you know, I live in Syracuse, NY. It snows here. It snows A LOT! So why, I have to ask, do people around here continue to drive like D-bags and Debutantes? You know who you are. The "Debutante" is too fragile or too busy to brush the snow from their car. This, of course, creates two problems. First, the Debutante cannot see what is behind or beside them. Second, the Debutante creates a moving white out for those unfortunate enough to be driving near them. The D-bag, usually driving an SUV or pick up truck, thinks they can drive like the snow doesn't exist. I, personally, want to punch all of these people in the face. But, since we all know that punching people in the face is wrong, I choose to take a deep breath and simply picture my paw print square in the middle of their forehead. BAM! Imaginary cat slap. I find this helps me cope. So Mr./Ms Debutante, if you are unable or unwilling to brush the snow off your car, either get a garage or get a ride. You're a nuisance and a hazard. We don't need you on the road. As for you Mr./Ms D-bag, speeding, cutting people off and tailgating are ALWAYS wrong. Doing it during a snowstorm is dangerous and stupid. Therefore YOU are a dangerous and stupid person. We don't need you on the planet. This morning, between 7:00 & 8:00, there were 42 accidents in Onondaga County alone. I can guarantee you that one of the two aforementioned D-bags and Debutantes were responsible for more than half of them. It's probably closer to 75%. It's hard enough to drive in winter conditions. We, the careful, courteous drivers of the world, should not have to deal with you. In case you are unaware, you are not the only one who has somewhere to be. You do not have a magical vehicle. You are not immune to ice and snow. You cannot see through the snow on your windows. Therefore, you have chosen to drive blind, fast and out of control. Who does that? YOU do. That makes you a menace. So, on behalf of all the people who do not have a death wish, knock it off. The life you save may be mine!

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