
Friday, February 8, 2013

You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

Hello my Dear Friends. Two topics today. Both will make you scratch your head. First, Storm Nemo. At this time, about 2pm on Friday, February 8th, I don't know how severe Nemo will be. I pray for the safety of all those in it's path, especially those still recovering from hurricane Sandy. I'm glad to see that the folks at The Weather Channel aren't overreacting to the possibilities.
I realize that the purpose of The Weather Channel is to be the leader in weather tracking and reporting but seriously, lighten up. Yes, you want people to understand the severity of the impending storm; to take proper precautions; to be safe. But, with all due respect, the reason many people ignore storm warnings is because those "in the know" over-hype so many weather events that we become skeptical. Please, weather people, just give us the facts as you know them and spare us the hype. We'll take appropriate action. I promise.

Next, let's talk about the classy basketball fans at Duke University. Last night Duke played North Carolina State. NC State guard Tyler Lewis had lost his grandmother the previous Friday and, although grieving, was out on the court representing his team. During the game Tyler was fouled and went to the foul line for his free throws. A charming group of Duke fans began chanting "how's your grandma". Isn't that just the classiest thing you've ever heard.  How proud their school must be. How proud their parents must be. And, most of all, how proud their grandparents must be. What a shameful display of not only bad sportsmanship, but of bad character. One Duke student, who is ashamed of his fellow students' behavior, said four different people approached him during the game to tell him about Tyler's loss and to encourage him to join in the chant. He did not and, on his blog, he identified the section, row and seats of those who were chanting. I'm not condemning the entire student body. It was one group of idiots. But, it only takes a few to disgrace an entire University. Nice job people. Nice job. Here's a link to the video.

Okay Friends. Stay warm and safe this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I so agree as usual with you on the weather channel over broadcasting the forecasts sometimes to cause a panic.. I remember working at Peters and Wegmans and the RUSH of seniors that would come into the sotre gotta but supplies of food... I hate to but gotta laugh you see on tv lastnight the people out shopping stocking up on canned food tv dinners icecream but what if powers out what then spent all that cash for what ? When a true storm hits and odds are to lose power tons of chow isnt going to help unless you BBQ or get out that Coleman stove as I do. Now the Game thats such bad taste the opposing team to shout out Hows your Gramma no class and low class. I would hope that there was a PSA made after the game appoligasing for that remark to the player and his family by the coach of the Duke team.
