
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Here We Go Again!

Hello My Dear Friends. I am hereby banning the use of the word "Sequestration". I do not want to hear it again. This political practice of manufacturing crises in an attempt to look powerful is the reason people hate politicians. The President blames republicans in Congress. Republicans blame the President. Anyone with a 6th grade education knows that "the S word I will not speak" could not have become law unless Congress passed it and the President sign it. The President proposed it, Congress approved it and the President signed it into law. Period. They are ALL to blame. This political game of chicken is doing irreparable damage to this Country. I don't care which side of the political aisle you're on, this sucks, and it has to stop. Here's a shock. The same people who enacted  "the S word I will not speak" can stop it at any time. Here's another shocker. The "devastating spending cuts" don't actually cut spending at all. The "automatic across the board cuts" that will so devastate this nation only cut "projected budget increases" in spending. That's right! There will be absolutely NO cuts to existing budgets. So what, you ask, is all of the hoopla about? It about this Government wanting to continue it's drunken sailor type spending habits with no way to foot the bill. It's manufactured drama to scare people into accepting another increase in taxes. This way, the millionaires on Capitol Hill can continue to throw money around with impunity, and we The People can be grateful. In the immortal words of the Wicked Witch of the West, "what a world"!

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