Hello My Dear Friends. Not since Dan Quayle has America had a more verbally gifted Vice President than Joe Biden. We all shook our heads when Dr. Biden told Missouri State Senator Chuck Graham, a paraplegic, to "stand up and let 'em see ya"! We cringed when he offered condolences to Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen for his mother, "God, rest her soul and, although...wait...what? Oh, your mother's still alive? Your dad passed? God, rest her soul". Then there was the time he told Katie Couric how, when the stock market crashed in 1929, FRD went on television and said "Look, here's what happened". Of course, FDR wasn't President in 1929, Herbert Hoover was, and there was only experimental television at the time. That's just Joe being Joe. A few of my other favorites include "Folks, I've known 8 Presidents, 3 of them intimately". "My mother believed and my father believed that if I wanted to be President of the United States I could be, I could be Vice President". "The number one job facing the middle class happens to be a three letter word, jobs. J-O-B-S"! I could go on and on and on but, in the interest of time and space, I'll get to my point. On Tuesday, during a Facebook Town Hall hosted by Parents Magazine (which he claims to read regularly) Biden said in response to a question about the proposed gun ban:
"If you want to protect yourself, get a double barreled shotgun," Biden responded. "I promise you, as I told my wife, we live in an area that's wooded and somewhat secluded. I said, Jill, if there's ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony here, walk out, put [up] that double barreled shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house." The vice president said that by firing two shotgun blasts, anyone who might be trying to break in would be scared off. "You don't need an AR-15," he said. "Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun!"
Let's set aside, for the moment, that what he suggests, firing indiscriminately off your balcony, is illegal in about 40 states. Let's even pretend that we believe he actually offered that advice to his wife and didn't just make it up on the spot. Let's even take solace in the fact that he didn't suggest peeing or vomiting on the attacker. Let's not, however, just add it to the list of idiotic things that spill from the mouth of this Syracuse University educated man. This time, let's stand together for the sake, sanity and reputation of America and say Vice President Dr. Joe Biden, please, for the love of God, just once, embrace the beauty of the unspoken thought!
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