
Monday, March 25, 2013

Am I in the Twilight Zone?

Hello my Dear Friends! Once again I find myself scratching my head, wondering if I'm being punked by the world. Where to begin? Let's start with the Texas mother who is fighting her 5th grade son's school over a test question. The test was on the September 11, 2001 attacks. The test question ask "Why is America a target of terrorists"? The "correct" answer was "Decisions we made in the United States have had negative effects on people elsewhere". This mother would prefer that the school district not teach her children that we were somehow to blame for the September 11th attacks. Call me crazy, but I have to agree. I can't say I'm surprised by the response. The school district says they're sorry for the wording of the question but stand by the answer. What? Perhaps if those terrorists had flown a plane into The Alamo they'd see things differently.
Let's talk about Spring Rolls! No, not the delicious Chinese treat. I refer to the Seattle school that wants to change "Easter Eggs" to "Spring Spheres" so as not to offend anyone. Under their plan, the Spring Bunny would bring the multi-colored Spring Spheres for a rousing Spring Roll and Spring Sphere Hunt! OK! Since dyed eggs, bunnies and candy actually have nothing to do with Easter, I guess this latest assault on all things Catholic is goofy at best. But I am curious how they plan to explain this to future generations. Why, exactly, does a bunny hide eggs in the Spring? Will they be told that Spring is egg season? Why a bunny? Why not a chicken? And, will they just do away with Peter Cotton Tail or will they change his theme song? These are questions far too deep for a humble Cat like me.
Finally (for now) Bill Deeley, the President of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club's Inner Circle, says it was he, not Phil, who was incorrect about Spring's arrival. You see, a prosecutor in Ohio indicted Phil for criminal fraud. He was, of course, kidding. But Mr. Deeley stepped up and said Phil actually foresaw 6 more weeks of winter and he (Mr. Deeley) misinterpreted Phil's "Groundhogese". My question is, why is this man not institutionalized? He believes he misunderstood the groundhog? Really? I know what you're thinking. Yes, my captor is able to communicate with me. But, would she swear to that under oath? I don't think so. Would she stand at a podium, in front of the national press, to clarify something I said? God, I hope not. So, I say to you Mr. Deeley, take your meds and, in the future, check with a meteorologist before you talk to the rodent! Oh, one more thing! Vice President Joe Biden went to Europe last month. He spent one night in Paris and one night in London. Cost to taxpayers $1,044,338. I wonder how many Federal jobs that would have saved?

1 comment:

  1. you are a very insightful cat and I truly enjoy reading your blogs!
