
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter my dear Friends! I love Easter baskets! We all do, really.
There's nothing more fun than sitting in a new Easter basket. What isn't fun is realizing, on the day after Easter, that you've made a tragic mistake by giving someone a live bunny! Bunnies are adorable but they are also a 10 year commitment, messy, smelly and, lets face it, rodents. That means they are born to chew! But there is another issue (tongue planted firmly in cheek) that no one ever talks about. Adding a bunny to a Kitty home can produce an unexpected consequence. You know that bunnies love to propagate. You know that, like most men, they don't care who their partner is. If your bunny gets loose, you could become the unwitting  owner of the elusive Cabbit! That's right. The Cabbit, a creature kept secret from the general public for generations, is the mating of a cat and a rabbit. It's true! I know that people continue to deny their existence. This is because no one wants to admit that they were the ones who allowed this bizarre mating to happen. But, belive me people, it does happen and I have proof! I give you the Cabbit:
Frightening, isn't it! This is why it is never safe to have a bunny in your home. Heed my words people. Bunnies belong in the wild. Not in your happy Kitty home! Chew on that. Happy Easter!

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