
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What, Now?

Hello My Dear Friends. Yesterday we talked about things people are doing that really make you scratch your head. Today, in the same vein, I'd like to address some things that people have said recently where their meaning escapes me. Let's start with our good friend the Reverend Al Sharpton. During a recent interview regarding New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg's campaign to ban guns, Mr. Sharpton said that the opposition to the proposed gun ban was not based solely on 2nd amendment rights but was also (paraphrasing here) 'obviously steeped in antisemitism'. I know, right? It seemed like an odd thing to say but, I called all of the gun owners I know and, sure enough, every one of them said that if Michael Bloomberg was a Protestant they would gladly hand over their guns. LOL! Oh Reverend Al, once again, you've got your finger on the pulse of America!
Brian Brown is the President of the National Organization for Marriage. He is arguing before the Supreme Court against same-sex marriage. While defending his position against the argument that a denial of rights associated with marriage to same-sex couples amounts to discrimination, Brown said, "Discrimination is the act of treating two equals as non-equals. Straight couples and gay couples are not equal and saying they are not the same is not discrimination". Ummm. I'm pretty sure it is. Regardless of which side of the issue you're on, if Bill and George are both 38 years old, both American citizens, both employed, both home owners, both whatevers, and Bill has legal rights and benefits that George doesn't, George is being discriminated against. Mr. Brown also went on to say that there is nothing in the constitution that would "remotely guarantee the right to same-sex marriage". Really? I guess that whole "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" stuff was more of a guideline than a rule. Oh that pesky constitution.
Finally (for now) We all know that the government looks for ways to waste our money. It's what they do best. Nothing highlights that more than this little line item discovered by The Citizens against Government Waste. $385,000 for a Yale University study into the "Plasticity of duck penises during mating". It's a grant from the National Science Foundation to Yale under the heading "Sexual Conflict, Social Behavior and the Evolution of Waterfowl Genitalia". Yup. It's true. I really don't know what to add to that. I guess inquiring minds want to know!

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