Hello My Dear Friends. When will the Hollywood elite learn that they are not as smart or clever as they think they are? Today we take a look at actor Ben Affleck. Ben has announced that, in an effort to bring attention to poverty in this country, he will live on $1.50 a day for one week. That's $10.50 for the week. Wow! What a selfless gesture. Of course, unless he lives naked on the street, the minute he walks through the door of his multi-million dollar mansion, he will have exceeded that budget by several decades. That fact aside, what do we have here. We have a self aggrandizing millionaire going on a crash diet for the sake of the poor among us. First of all Mr. Affleck, the poorest among us, those on public assistance, get, on average, $500 a month for food and incidentals, for a single person. I believe the average in New York for a single person is $300 a month in cash and $200 a month for food. This doesn't take into account housing or health care, which they also get free of charge. Anyway, my point here is that comes to about $16 dollars a day or $112.00 a week. 10 times more than you're little experiment in social consciousness. Next, although I understand the premise behind this gesture, aside from getting more wanted publicity for yourself, it won't change a damn thing. If you want to draw attention to poverty in this nation Mr. Affleck, why don't you donate one of your millions to a homeless shelter or food bank. Then publicly call on your elite friends to do the same. You'll get all of the same publicity, maybe more, and you'll actually be doing something to make it better. Finally Mr. Affleck, living on $1.50 a day for a week is quite different from living in poverty. You see, after 7 days you will return to your life of privilege and the only one who will benefit from your gesture will be you. You sir, are a Goober. I hope all of the publicity you generate is worth you $10.50.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Blessed are the Stupid
Hello My Dear Friends. I have to say that you people exhaust me! Now, I'm not one to second guess the Gospel of Matthew, but the meek are out. We need a footnote to the Sermon on the Mount because I'm now certain it should read, "Blessed are the Stupid; For They Shall Inherit the Earth". Once again I've come across a prime example of why the next generation doesn't stand a chance. First we hear of the "noted" college professor on a campaign to "enlighten" us to the fact that America is to blame for the terrorist attacks against us. That would be Richard Falk, Professor Emeritis at Princeton University and Visiting Distinguished Professor at UC Santa Barbara. He published the following:
"... it is not retribution for the kind of torture inflicted by American security forces acting under the authority of the government, verified by pictures of the humiliation of Islamic prisoners at Abu Ghraib or in light of the authoritative reports of officially sanctioned torture as detailed in the 577 page report of a task force chaired by two former senators - one a Republican, the other a Democrat - and containing senior military and security officials.
"... it is not retribution for the kind of torture inflicted by American security forces acting under the authority of the government, verified by pictures of the humiliation of Islamic prisoners at Abu Ghraib or in light of the authoritative reports of officially sanctioned torture as detailed in the 577 page report of a task force chaired by two former senators - one a Republican, the other a Democrat - and containing senior military and security officials.
Is it not time that one among our politicians had the courage to connect these dots? Can we not ponder WH Auden's haunting line: "Those to whom evil is done/do evil in return"?
Charming, right? Now we hear about a high school in Williamson County, Tennessee that is teaching students in a geography class that suicide bombings may be an acceptable retaliation in war time. You really can't make this stuff up. The textbook in the class poses the following question for discussion:
"If a Palestinian suicide bomber kills several dozen Israeli teenagers in a Jerusalem restaurant, is that an act of terrorism, or wartime retaliation against Israeli government policies and army actions?"
Some parents have found that "discussion" to be offensive. Especially Jewish parents! I have to agree. The school board says there's nothing wrong with it because it's only posed to spark discussion. Well, mission accomplished. What the heck is going on with education in this Country? Every day there's another example of the education system teaching children the wrong is right and right is wrong. It's really out of control. A 5 year old suspended for biting his pop tart into the shape of a gun; a student asked to turn his tee shirt inside out because it had an Army logo on it; a 6th grade student forced to write that he must give up "some constitutional rights" for the sake of safety; a college professor ordering students to write the word "God" on a piece of paper, throw it on the floor and stomp on it, then throwing out a student who refused to do so. When will this end? Is it just me or has the educational system gone mad? Blessed are the Stupid....
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Our Obsession with Why
Hello My Dear Friends. I have to tell you, your human obsession with "why" people do what they do really makes me nuts. In the aftermath of the Boston tragedy, the pundits, once again, must find a way to tell us why these two brothers chose to blow up innocent people. I'll save you the time. Because they are evil sociopaths.
[soh-see-uh-path, soh-shee-]
noun Psychiatry.
a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
You're welcome. Were they influenced by radical Islamists? Probably. Were they angry about US foreign policy? Probably. But anger and influence don't put bombs in a backpack and drop them on a crowded street. Sociopaths do. After every tragedy in this nation all hearts and minds turn to why. Was it because he had access to guns? Was he brainwashed? I understand that, in the face of the inconceivable, "why" helps us wrap our heads around what happened. Knowing why won't change a thing. Knowing why the Nimbostratus cloud produces precipitation won't stop the rain. I'm really tired of hearing presumably intelligent people blame this Country, our actions and our policies, for the bad things that happen to us. There are, and always will be, evil people in this world. Evil people do evil things. That's all the "why" I need to know. Figuring out reasons why these two brothers decided to do what they did will not stop the next sociopath from planting a bomb or shooting up a school. Does anyone honestly believe that changing our foreign policy will stop radical Muslims from hating us; from wanting us dead? It won't. My heart breaks for the families destroyed by these two evil men. Let's spend less time asking why or more time asking who. In New York the campaign "If you see something, say something" reminds us to be vigilant, to keep our eyes open. This needs to become second nature. It's the world we live in now. But that shouldn't just refer to stray packages or backpacks. It should refer to people as well. Plenty of people knew Adam Lanza and his mother were disturbed. I'm sure plenty of people knew the Tsarnaev brother were dangerous. I'm not saying you should spy on your friends and neighbors. I am saying that if little Johnny gives you the creeps you should tell someone. Good will always triumph over evil. We just need to look out for one another.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Bring on the Conspiracy Theories
Hello My Dear Friends. Our Country has suffered a tragedy and, as sure as the dawn, here come the conspiracy theories! Now, I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next cat. I find it fascinating how some people's minds work. I, of course like many of you, can usually tell the difference between fact and fiction. Others, however, lack that ability. In an effort to stem the inevitable onslaught of these "theories" people have been buying up domain names like "BostonMarathonConspiracy.com", "Bostonconspiracy.com" and "Bostonconspiracytheories.com", to prevent, or at least make it harder for these "theories" to gain momentum. If you go to the Boston Marathon Conspiracy page you'll see a message that says "I bought this domain to keep some conspiracy theory kook from owning it. Please keep the victims of this event and their families in your thoughts". Pretty cool idea. Do you know what creates a "conspiracy theory"; what gives it legs? Misinformation and secrecy. When something is reported, then retracted, then re-released with different information, people think "conspiracy". When people in power make statements, like in the case of the Benghazi attacks, that are blatantly false and misleading, people think "conspiracy". When investigations are kept secret, people think "conspiracy".When people's eyes aren't seeing what their ears are hearing they think "conspiracy". In today's world, where information is disseminated instantly, without filters or fact checking, we're inundated with misinformation. Let's face it, any moron can create a Twitter account or Facebook page that looks "official" and purports to be a news source. Many people don't bother to check the source. They read something that sounds possible and, the next thing you know, the Government was behind 9/11. There's another issue at play. Many politicians, commentators and talking heads are opportunistic, like fungus or a yeast infection. They use tragedies like the Boston bombings to get their own faces and ideas in the spotlight or to promote their personal agendas. These people, in my humble opinion, just plain suck. In the coming days, I am certain, you will hear many conspiracy theories surrounding the Boston bombings. The fact that the Government will most certainly keep to indictment against "Suspect #2" sealed, or secret, is going to lead to countless "theories" alone. So my friends, be prepared. Facebook memes are not usually true, unless, of course, they contain an adorable little kitten. You can trust those. cats don't lie. Take the rest of them, along with breaking news reports and talking head commentary, with a grain of salt. The truth has a way of coming out in the end. Let's not jump to conclusions until we have all the facts. Facts. LOL. Remember those?
Friday, April 19, 2013
The New Definition of Media
Hello My Dear Friends. I remember a day when the media enjoyed a well earned respect. The Fourth Estate. Journalists exemplified integrity, impartiality, intelligence and honesty. Boy, are those days gone! This latest tragedy has shown us just how bad the media can be. It's embarrassing. Misinformation, supposition, opinion and downright nonsense is all we seem to be getting. The captor is an admitted news junkie. We've been watching nonstop coverage of these horrific events. Here's a little hint for media outlets. If your hour long broadcast consists of 50% retraction, 30% reaction and 15% review, you're wasting 95% of our time. Shame on you. If I hear one more reporter start off by saying "we have been unable to confirm this but..." I swear, I'm going to blow. What has happened to this once fine institution? I've learned to deal with local media quoting Twitter and Facebook as if they were "sources". It's local media. But, when "reporters" on major networks say things like "excuse the confusion but there is so much information coming in..." Seriously? Isn't collecting and processing information your job? One network anchor today went into an extended explanation of "West New York, New Jersey". She said, "it's very confusing because the town is called West New York but it's in the state of New Jersey. Really? You find that confusing? Most people don't. Here's another flash for you. Mexico, New York is in the United States! It's really confusing because when you hear Mexico you think, well, Mexico. One "reporter" interviewing a former classmate of "Suspect #2" asked "we heard he was a wrestler in high school. Was he any good"? I know that was the first question on my mind. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. Another "reporter" actually started off his report by saying "Here's what we think we know right now". This insanity is not limited to the broadcast media. Yesterday's local paper had an article on how to build a bomb on one page and an ad for a sale on pressure cookers on the next! Are you kidding me? You can't make this stuff up. So I have come up with a new acronym for Media:
We may not know exactly what is going on but we do know that our brothers and sisters in Massachusetts need our prayers and support. On that, we can all agree.
We may not know exactly what is going on but we do know that our brothers and sisters in Massachusetts need our prayers and support. On that, we can all agree.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
The Best and Worst of Times
Hello My Dear Friends. This week, once again, we have witnessed the very worst and the very best of humankind. We watched in horror as those bombs exploded in Boston, turning the beauty of the Boston Marathon into an unspeakable nightmare. We also watched in awe as selfless people rushed toward the danger to help in any way they could. Some of those people were first responders, who make their living protecting and, when necessary, saving the rest of us. Many of those people were just bystanders, people like you and I, who didn't stop to consider the danger to themselves, but rushed in to help who they could. We heard the stories of runners, who had just completed their 26.2 mile run, crossing the finish line and continuing to run to the hospital, hoping to give blood to aid the victims. We heard of Bostonians who opened their homes to strangers who had nowhere else to go, offering not only shelter but safety and compassion. This is what America is all about. Those of you who know me know I am a avid sports fan. More than that, an avid New York sports fan. Because of this I often have less than neighborly things to say about Boston. It is a rivalry that runs deep. Comedian Jon Stewart said it best. He said that in times like these we realize that the rivalry between New York and Boston sports fans is really a "sibling rivalry" because, in the end, we are all brothers and sisters. I couldn't agree more. Who but New Yorkers know better what our brothers and sisters in Boston are going through; what they will be going through as the dust settles and the healing and rebuilding begins. Our hearts go out to them in the most sincere way. This is all the best of humankind. The person or people responsible for these bombs are beyond evil. One has to wonder what could fill a soul with such hatred and inhumanity. They will be caught and punished. Of that, I have no doubt. There have also been other examples of the worst of humankind. This comes in the aftermath of this tragedy. I am aware of a lest four men (and I use that term loosely) who chose to put their own twisted agendas ahead of all that is reasonable. Michael Moore, the "film maker", less than 24 hours after the terrorist attack, sent out a Tweet blaming the bombings on the Tea Party. Chris Matthews, the MSNBC commentator, chose to blame "right wing extremists". On Capitol Hill, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md) blamed the Government Sequester as did Rep Xavier Becerra (D-CA). I can not even express the level of disgust I feel for these people. To use this tragedy, less than 24 hours old at the time, to advance a political agenda is beyond disgusting, beyond deplorable. I, personally, have begun to expect nothing less from these individuals. They are so consumed with their self serving, leftist politics, and their never ending quest to remain relevant, that they can see the damage that they do. They are shameless headline whores who serve as poster children for the worst of humankind. So my dear friends, as you say a prayer for Boston tonight, add a prayer for those shameless individuals who know not what they do.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Beliebit or Not
Hello My Dear Friends. I'm sure you've heard by now that Pop Snot Sensation Justin Bieber has angered educated adults, once again. This time the Biebs visited the Anne Frank House Museum in Amsterdam, (That's in the Netherlands for actual Beliebers), a left what is being called an "inappropriate" comment in the guest book. First, what he actually wrote was "Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a Belieber". Okay. It's insensitive and more than a little egomaniacal. Let's face it. He's a 19 year old millionaire child surrounded by idolizers and Yes men. Is it any wonder that he believes that the world revolves around him? Yes, he visited a place that recounts the horrors of the Holocaust and his take away was "Hey, I bet she would have loved me". Not exactly a lesson learned. But we are talking about a high school dropout who spends his days chugging cough syrup and smoking weed. He drove his car 100 mph through neighborhood streets and spit in his neighbor's face. So we can't really be surprised that he doesn't grasp the tragedy of Anne Frank. What surprises me is the assault his defenders (the Beliebers) launched. Their defense was, in essence, "Who cares. Who is this Anne Frank anyway". It's one thing to be uneducated. It's another thing to be so proud of your ignorance that you wave it like a banner. I have some advice for Beliebers. Defending your hero with the argument that his actions are okay because he's just as dumb as you is not really a winning strategy. It explains a lot, but it's still the wrong way to go. What the rest of us need to take away from this has nothing to do with Justin Bieber. He is destined to go the way of Korgis, Aldo Nova and The Vapors. Who? Exactly. Our take away should be that, in 25 years, when we're old and in need of care, the Beliebers will be running the world. God help us all!
Friday, April 12, 2013
You Want To Do What Now?
Oh, My Dear Friends, this one's a doozy! Have you ever heard something that was so absurd that you had to laugh, then you realize it's true and it really sets you off? I'm there and, I'm guessing in just a few short minutes, you will be too! Here we go. OSIRIS-REx. What is OSIRIS-REx you ask? It's a budgeted 2.5 Billion (yes, billion with a "B") dollar NASA mission to "catch" an asteroid. Yup! Space, the final frontier. You see, in order to understand the Universe, we need to analyse a "pristine" sample of an asteroid. Not just any asteroid mind you. That would be reckless and silly. This mission is to fly to near-Earth Asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36. Why this particular asteroid? Because it is "the most exciting, accessible, volatile and organic-rich remnant from the early solar system" according to NASA. Duh! There is a chance that Asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36 could impact the Earth in the "next few centuries". According to NASA, there is a 1 in 1800 chance Asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36 could impact the Earth in 2182 but there are no guarantees. It isn't rocket science after all. Oh, wait, that's exactly what it is. So you can see why it was so important to include $800-Million Dollars in the 2014 budget to get this crucial project underway. There is no time to waste because, according to NASA calculations Asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36 should pass within 279,000 miles of Earth in 2019 or 2020. Oh My! Call me crazy but this seems like a bit of an extravagance in light of the "Fiscal Cliff" and all. Wouldn't be easier to just say to the Japanese, "Hey, I'll bet you can't catch that asteroid" and then wait for them to do it? I guess not. So, my Dear Friends, as you watch your taxes go up and your quality of life go down just remember, the more we know about the origins of the planet......I really don't know. But, the people of 2182 will thank you, maybe.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
And So It Begins
Hello My Dear Friends. One day, hopefully years from now, we will ask "how did this country get so out of control"? I surmise that we will reflect on this point in time and say this is where it all began. Let's start with these new revelations coming from the IRS. Apparently, referencing the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), the IRS believes it has the right to read your private e-mail, no warrant required., and that's exactly what they've been doing! The obviously outdated law basically says that we have "no expectation of privacy" when using e-mail. The Fourth Amendment you say? Nope. Here's an excerpt from the IRS Search Warrant Handbook":
“The Fourth Amendment does not protect communications held in electronic storage, such as email messages stored on a server, because internet users do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in such communications.”
It doesn't stop there. If the IRS believes that you have filed false information on your tax return they also have the "right" to access your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media accounts to search for proof that you've lied! No expectation of privacy there either. So much for the Fourth Amendment.
Now, let's examine the plight of an unnamed Erie County man who received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department telling him his that his license had been immediately revoked upon receiving information that he had seen a therapist and been prescribed an anti-anxiety drug. How would they know that? The man in this case has no criminal record and no history of violence. He was ordered to turn his guns over to the police or the police would come and confiscate them. HIPPA Laws anyone? Apparently under New York's new NY Safe Act. Now anyone can share your "private" medical information with the government? It seems so. Let's see. This appears to violate the Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments. Yikes! We're running out guarantees here. As it turns out, after lawyers got involved, the man who was ordered to turn over his weapons (which he did) was not the person the letter was intended for. They sent it to the WRONG PERSON! So, in the State's zeal to confiscate weapons from legal gun owners, they didn't even bother to confirm that they had the right person. I feel so much safer now. So let's review. We lost our First Amendment Rights years ago. Our Second and Fourth Amendment rights are on life support. Taking people's property (guns) without due process of law end our 5th Amendment rights. The 9th Amendment has always been too vague to matter. Obamacare took out the Tenth Amendment. My, my. The Bill of Rights appears to be shrinking. Add to this the now infamous "Sequestration", ever growing "fees" on everything we touch and the passive raising of our taxes and I'm pretty sure that's why the Sons of Liberty threw all of that tea into Boston Harbor in 1773. We've come a long way baby!
“The Fourth Amendment does not protect communications held in electronic storage, such as email messages stored on a server, because internet users do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in such communications.”
It doesn't stop there. If the IRS believes that you have filed false information on your tax return they also have the "right" to access your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media accounts to search for proof that you've lied! No expectation of privacy there either. So much for the Fourth Amendment.
Now, let's examine the plight of an unnamed Erie County man who received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department telling him his that his license had been immediately revoked upon receiving information that he had seen a therapist and been prescribed an anti-anxiety drug. How would they know that? The man in this case has no criminal record and no history of violence. He was ordered to turn his guns over to the police or the police would come and confiscate them. HIPPA Laws anyone? Apparently under New York's new NY Safe Act. Now anyone can share your "private" medical information with the government? It seems so. Let's see. This appears to violate the Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments. Yikes! We're running out guarantees here. As it turns out, after lawyers got involved, the man who was ordered to turn over his weapons (which he did) was not the person the letter was intended for. They sent it to the WRONG PERSON! So, in the State's zeal to confiscate weapons from legal gun owners, they didn't even bother to confirm that they had the right person. I feel so much safer now. So let's review. We lost our First Amendment Rights years ago. Our Second and Fourth Amendment rights are on life support. Taking people's property (guns) without due process of law end our 5th Amendment rights. The 9th Amendment has always been too vague to matter. Obamacare took out the Tenth Amendment. My, my. The Bill of Rights appears to be shrinking. Add to this the now infamous "Sequestration", ever growing "fees" on everything we touch and the passive raising of our taxes and I'm pretty sure that's why the Sons of Liberty threw all of that tea into Boston Harbor in 1773. We've come a long way baby!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Thoughts Over Catnip
Hello My Dear Friends! Today is definitely shaping up to be a Catnip Day! First, have you heard about this new Dog TV? It's the first television channel dedicated to dogs as viewers. LOL! It's not free either. It costs $10 a month or, if you're really committed (and you should be) $70 a year. Let me save you some money. I talked to the dog and she says she's perfectly happy with the Oprah Winfrey Network. Speaking of television, I saw a commercial today for ADT, the home security people, and they said "protecting families for 135 years". I don't ever recall hearing about home security services in the 1800's. I guess you really do learn something every day! The President released his 2014 budget proposal. It increases spending, raises taxes and cuts social security and medicare benefits. Just like he promised... The captor posted on "moral dilemma" on Facebook yesterday and 97% of the respondents admitted that they would do the wrong thing. It involved purchasing a product that was clearly mislabeled at a greatly reduced price. Me thinks the captor has some pretty shady friends! Then again, the captor also did the wrong thing and purchased the item without saying anything. It was delicious, by the way. Country singer Brad Paisley and rapper LL Cool J did a duet on Paisley's new album called "Accidental Racist". The said they wanted to "spark conversation" on the topic. Well, they succeeded. Both country music fans and urban music fans are pissed. Nice job boys! The song, by the way, is currently #26 on the iTunes chart. This little nut, Kim Jong Un of North Korea, is really getting on my nerves. Secretary of State John Kerry should just go over there and put him over his knee. Grow up Un before you get what you wish for. Finally, Ikea is getting out of the food business after having to recall 17,000 portions of it's Moose Lasagna. It turn out the dish had traces of pork in it. Seriously? If you can't trust a furniture company to put out pure Moose Lasagna, who can you trust? It's probably best that they call it quits. Stick to what you know best Ikea, overpriced modular crap!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The Choices We Make
Hello My Dear Friends. Today, I have been contemplating the choices we make and the consequences, if any. In this crazy, litigious, 'it's not my fault', victim filled world we live in, one has to wonder if every action still has a reaction. There was a time when, if you did something wrong, you were punished. That, hopefully, taught you not to do it again. When my captor was a child and she got in trouble at school (which happened quite frequently) the real trouble came when she got home. There were always consequences. Of course, the captor has always been a Goober. That's why she spent the bulk of her teen years grounded. But, I digress. Today I learned that a group of "celebrities" has sent a letter to the President asking that he change the drug laws, replacing jail time with "intervention". The celebrities include rap mogul Russell Simmons, Lil Wayne, Rosanne Barr, Kim Kardashian, Nicki Minaj, and Susan Sarandon (of course) to name a few. They believe that incarcerating non violent drug offenders only adds to societal problems and destroys families and, in turn, communities. They argue that putting Mom or Dad in jail on drug charges inevitably harms the child. Hummm. So it's not Mom or Dad's decision to smoke crack that harms the child, it's their incarceration after the fact. Interesting. I never thought about it that way. Thank goodness we have Hollywood to open our eyes to the reality of the world. I, for one, would never have thought that removing the threat of jail time for drug offenses would actually strengthen families. Silly me. I guess, using that train of thought, removing the penalties for drunk driving would actually make the roads safer. You see, according the the celebs, drug abuse is not "bad choices" by an individual, it's a societal problem that claims innocent victims. Really? So, there's no "choice" involved? "Yes, I broke the law but I shouldn't be punished. Society made me do it"! Well, if anyone knows anything about drug abuse, it's Hollywood. I'm not totally sold on this theory but, then again, I've never claimed to be as smart as Rosanne Barr or Kim Kardashian.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Lessons to Be Learned
Hello My Dear Friends. It is with heavy heart today that I write about the passing of Great Britain's greatest Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. I won't bore you with history. There is no question that Margaret Thatcher, against the greatest odds, saved Great Britain. She and America's greatest President Ronald Reagan, changed the course of this world. Unfortunately, their successors are hell bent on bringing us back there but, alas, that is for another blog. I want to tell you what Margaret Thatcher taught my captor. She was, in her prime, the most powerful woman in the world. The term "Iron Lady" was actually bestowed upon her by the Russians as an insult. Much to their chagrin, she embraced it. Mrs. Thatcher refused to compromise. She defeated the Tory men who'd held exclusive control, oppressing women and minorities. She fought the unions. She sold off Government controlled industry. In spite of what many people think after seeing Phyllida Lloyd's "historically questionable" 2011 movie, she led with grace, integrity and fortitude. She never gave up. She never let up. She proved that a women could lead the world. To a young woman growing up, she was an amazing role model of what could be. She wasn't perfect. No one is. But history (actual history, not that crap on TV and in the movies), as it was to Ronald Reagan, will be very kind to Mrs. Thatcher. So, with that in mind, let me leave you with my favorite Margaret Thatcher quote, maybe my favorite quote of all time:
"If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman".
RIP Mrs. Thatcher.
"If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman".
RIP Mrs. Thatcher.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Excuse Me?
Hello My Dear Friends. Once again I find myself scratching my head wondering what the heck is going on. First, it's April 3rd and I had 8 inches of snow in my driveway. I think we can all agree that that's just wrong. Next, I turn on the news and hear that my captor won a statewide competition selecting the theme for this year's Great New York State Fair. I listened carefully. I read the press release, the article in the paper and all of the postings on Facebook. Not ONE mention of me! I think we all know that all good ideas come from me, PoKitty, not that goober that holds me captive! I mean, come on, get real. Okay, enough about that. You'll be happy to know that the White House is putting together an educational program to teach teenagers how to manage money. Let's reflect on that for a moment. This Government is going to teach the next generation how to manage their money. Maybe we can then have Kim Jong Un teach a course on how to love thy neighbor! LOL! Let's hope their message isn't lead by example! Oh, by the way, you'll also be happy to know that, even though White House tours have been cancelled to save money, The President and First Lady did manage to find the money to host a celebrity studded "Memphis Soul" tribute concert on April 16th featuring Justin Timberlake, Al Green and Queen Latifah among others. Whew! I would hate to see that educational experience cancelled, wouldn't you? Is anyone else concerned that the entire state of Florida appears to be sinking? Apparently not. Finally (for now) on Monday, April 1st, Google put up a page for "Google Nose" a new scent based, scratch and sniff type app for you phone or mobile device. Tens of thousands of people clicked on that link! Were you one of them? I wouldn't admit it either. Really people? You actually believed that there was an app that could send scent through your phone? Do you know how phones work? Do you know how scent works? April fools indeed.
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