
Friday, July 19, 2013

Baby it's Hot Outside

Hello My Dear Friends! Whew! This heat wave is really starting to get to me. Is it getting to you? Well, I have some good news for you. If there's someone on your "list" who has really been asking for you to plant your paw print squarely on their forehead, now is the time to do it! Why? Because of "heat rage". It's apparently a real thing and, I suspect, a legitimate defense for assault. You see, this extreme heat affects the brain, making tempers short and reactions swift. So, if you look at this unbearable heat as an opportunity to hand out a few overdue paw slaps it's okay. It's not your fault. It's Heat Rage! You better hurry though. The heat is supposed to break on Sunday.  Anyway, I thought I'd send you off on your weekend with a lovely little story about the Mazama Pocket Gopher. Here's the adorable little rodent:
Why are we talking about the Mazama Pocket Gopher? Funny you should ask. Did you know that, over the last several years, the Department of Defense and other Government agencies have spent $400 Million to protect these furry little scamps? Funny story. In Fort Lewis, Washington, the Government has bought up 264,000 acres of land so the little rodents won't be disturbed. At the same time, 10,000 employees of the nearby Joint Base Lewis-McChord were furloughed and forced to take a 20% pay cut because of the budget difficulties. funny, right? Now, in the Government's defense, even though the Mazama Pocket Gopher isn't listed as an endangered species or even a threatened species, it could be, some day. Why wait until the last minute. After all, talk to anyone and they'll tell you that there can't ever be enough rodents around. So I say to heck with civilian employees who serve our military. Gophers are where our tax dollars should be going. Lay off the workers just Save the Gophers. God Bless America! Keep cool people!

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