
Monday, August 5, 2013

It's Not Global Warming. It's Menopause!

Hello My Dear Friends. There's been a lot of talk about the weather this summer. No one can deny that it's been screwy. We've heard all of the debates for and against "Global Warming" or "Climate Change" but I think the answer is much more simple. I now believe that Mother Nature is going through Menopause! Think about it. Stretches of unbearable heat; Hot Flashes. Violent Storms followed by blue skies; Mood Swings. Snow in the south with heat in the north; Confusion. Heavy, flooding rain; Bloating. The signs are all there! Poor Mother Nature. I feel her pain. All of these crazy weather patterns can be explained. Anxiety, depression, irritability. You'd be hurling some lightening bolts too! So keep driving that SUV. All we need to do is fire some estrogen into the clouds. Maybe a little Merlot too. That can be very helpful at times. Also, it would be to our benefit if you could all stop complaining so much. I'm guessing Mother Nature is a little touchy about her performance lately. No need to add fuel to the fire. Also, she's probably feeling all achy and stressed, not sleeping well, you know what I'm saying. Maybe we can get the Wiccans to throw her an extra "atta girl" when they celebrate Mabon next month. Every little bit helps. The best thing we can do is give her space, let her know we appreciate her and hope for the best.

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