
Monday, May 19, 2014

How to Spot a Moron

Hello My Dear Friends! I think that we all agree that this world is filled with people who are, let's say, morons. The problem is that most don't come with signs or markings. They look just like you and me, and then they speak! For instance, White House Spokesman Jay Carney, today, when questioned about the VA disaster, said that the Obama administration's transition team knew about the false reporting of wait times and the like back in 2008, thus, making it George Bush's fault. LOL! What do you think is worse, Mr. Carney, still blaming the previous administration for all of your failures and scandals, or admitting that you've known about this travesty for over SIX YEARS and have done NOTHING about it? Either way, you sir, are a moron. Former State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno was, once again, acquitted of corruption charges. It's not that he didn't do it. It's because the US Supreme Court threw out the law he was initially convicted under in 2009. Here's the kicker. Bruno is now fighting to have his legal fees covered by the state (that's you and me). An obscure section of the Public Officers Law allows for reimbursement of "reasonable legal fees" if one is acquitted of charges filed. What does Mr. Bruno, a lawyer himself, claim are his "reasonable legal fees"? $4 million dollars! Mr. Bruno, you are a moron. The newly opened National September 11 Memorial and Museum has a gift shop. What? Not only are they selling souvenirs, someone chose to put the gift shop next to the "remains repository", an area where 8000 unidentified body parts are stored. Some of the items being sold include the "Darkness Hoodie", silk scarves depicting "lunchtime at the WTC Plaza and "Survivor Tree" earrings. Tasteful. Really tasteful. I can't identify this, or these morons by name, but I'm sure we'll know who they are soon enough. The scarf, by the way, is $95.

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