Hello My Dear Friends. I've come to accept how incredibly gullible you humans can be but, lately, I'm really in awe of it. Myths like Bigfoot, your Right to Privacy, the Loch Ness Monster and Freedom of Speech, are freely accept as reality. Why? Well, for one reason, it's easier to believe what you're told than it is to actually seek out the truth. I, for the most part, blame the media for this. Two recent examples under score my point. A new Gallup poll, done with Purdue University, determined that satisfaction with life and work does not depend on where you went to college, unless you went to a private, for-profit school. According to the study, basically, graduates from Harvard were just as likely to be satisfied with their lives and careers as graduates from Podunk U. But, graduates from Bryant and Stratton or ITT Tech were less likely to be satisfied. They're not really sure why. Let's just say that we accept this finding, as ridiculous as it is. The study goes on to say that students who graduate with large amounts of student debt ($20,000 or more) had more problems in life than those who don't. Um, what? It's a pretty safe bet that graduates from Harvard have a bit more student debt than a graduate of Bryant and Stratton, right? So then, this study seem to contradict itself. That doesn't matter though. Why? Because the point of the study appears to be to convince students and their parents that they would be better off going to a State University than a "prestigious" university or trade school. Why? Because that's they way the government wants it. The study went on to say that students who participated in "paid internships" during college were more likely to be engaged and satisfied with their jobs after graduation. Really? Paid internships are relatively new. So, let me ask you, my friends, do you think kids entering the workforce today are "more engaged" and "more satisfied" than you were when you entered the workforce back in the day? I didn't think so. Studies are released and the media reports them without ever looking past the headline.m That's why "studies" today are just tools, used by the elite, to show we little people how things should be. It's what the majority of people think. Another Myth we are expected to believe. Also this week, the Third Annual Climate Assessment was released. It says, of course, that we are causing this Global Warming, and we are doomed. I am not a "climate change denier" but I found the following statement in the report quite interesting:
“Americans are noticing changes all around them,” the researchers wrote in the report. “Summers are longer and hotter, and extended periods of unusual heat last longer than any living American has ever experienced. Winters are generally shorter and warmer.”
Really? Boston? Chicago? Syracuse? Buffalo? Does everyone agree with this finding? It certainly makes one wonder where this comprehensive study was conducted.
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