
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Words Mean Things. Learn the Meaning!

Hello My Dear Friends! I have, in the past, been accused of being a card carrying member of the "grammar police". I understand that many people find that annoying. Therefore, if you are among the aforementioned, stop reading now! Okay, now that they're gone, I'd like to address three words that have been tossed around lately. Apparently, while I was napping, someone chose to give these words dual meaning.
#1 Rant. Ever since the Donald Sterling tapes were released, media outlets and others have been referring to the Sterling rant. Then, after the Anderson Cooper interview, we heard about latest Sterling rant. Apparently these people believe that rant means to say something objectionable. It doesn't. Rant, according to Merriam-Webster, means to "talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner. To scold vehemently". That's not what happened so stop saying it did.
#2 Reform. The word "reform" does not mean to simply change something, it means to "put or change in an improved form".  Therefore, I contend that all of the talk from the White House this week about Immigration Reform, is simply wrong. The "reform" Bill currently being debated, among others things, would allow immigrants to commit up to three crimes, prior to gaining citizenship, without being deported. That's not reform. That's the opposite of reform. Are you aware that ICE (Immigration and Customs enforcement) released over 36,000 convicted criminals, in the Country illegally and awaiting deportation, in 2013? Oh, yes they did. Among them, 200 murders, over 400 rapists and 300 kidnappers. In all, they were responsible for 88,000 crimes in the U.S. That's nearly 100 per day. This new immigration bill would make a lot of that okay. That's not reform.
#3 Unalienable.  The word "unalienable" means "impossible to take away or give up". The Constitution of these United States gave us certain "unalienable" rights. Apparently that impossible part of the definition is subjective. The only unalienable thing I see today is the unlimited power given to government, and that is not a good thing and, if we don't rant about it, we will never see reform!

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