Hello my dear friends. Let me start off by saying Rest In Peace Andy Griffith. Who doesn't long for the days of Mayberry every now and then? Anyway, the CBC in Canada reported a recall of hand sanitizer. Apparently it has bacteria in it. Think about that for a moment. Shouldn't bacteria die in hand sanitizer? If not, what exactly is the point of this product? Don't worry. None of it was shipped here. Next, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper has "come out" and admitted that he's gay. I'm shocked. After that giggling fit that went viral on YouTube was there still some doubt? Casey Anthony (yes, the one who got away with killing her daughter) wants her own reality TV show. Umm, you already had one. It was called Your Trial! I think we've had quite enough of you. Under that same category, the "Octomom" made a "self pleasure" video. That has to be the worlds biggest oxymoron. Or, if anyone actually buys it, they can simply be the world's biggest moron. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are getting divorced. Duh! The surprising tidbit to come out of this "story" is that before Katie took the bait, Scientologists tried to rope Sophia Vergara first! Who would have thought she would have been the smart one? It's also been reported that Scarlett Johansson was approached as a possible "mate" for Mr. Cruise. Charming, really. Money Talks News published a list of 20 things you should never buy used. On the list was bathing suits. Seriously? People have to be told not to buy a used bathing suit? Mattress also made the list. Yup. Bad idea. Finally (for now), a video made by Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif) is going viral. It is Sanchez and some interns in a little song a dance ditty set to Carly Rea Jepson's "Call Me Maybe". And I thought Congress was just sitting around wasting time. I stand corrected! Call Me Crazy.
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