
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

OMG! It's Attempted Stupicide!

Hello my dear friends. As you know, along with my 3 fellow feline captives, we also have a dog. A big, dumb, lovable dog. Early Tuesday morning, about 2am, we were all jolted out of our peaceful sleep by the sound of panic! It turns out that Anya, or Hundred Pounds of Stupid as we call her, was frightened by some thunder. None of us even heard it. In a failed attempt to escape said thunder she managed to twist her big empty head around and lodge it against her rather large body, between the wall and the bed. What a sight! Of course, when she realized she was stuck, she began to panic. The captors jumped up and moved the bed, freeing the big, dumb dog, who then preceded to faint! Now, were not sure if she actually cut off her air supply and passed out or if she got herself so worked up that she fainted. Either way, she hit the ground like a sack of wet sand. THUD! The captors, thinking the big dumb dog was dead, dropped to their knees and began shaking her saying "Anya, Anya, are you okay"; "Oh my God, is she breathing"? She was. I remind you now that it was 2am. Hundred Pounds of Stupid got up, coughed a few times, walked into the hallway and laid back down. I, personally, laughed my furry tail off. I may have even peed a little! Seriously, entertainment at it's finest. The captor's didn't seem to see the humor in it at the time. They're laughing about it now. Let this be a lesson to you people! First, know your size. Don't squeeze into things that don't fit. This is especially true for summer wardrobes. Second, Stupidity Kills! Please don't be stupid. I know, that's a lot to ask. We given this behavior a name. When your stupid actions lead to your own's Stupicide! Luckily, Anya's attempt was unsuccessful. She's fine and, in case you're wondering, the bed has been moved to avoid a second attempt!
Dogs! They're not just for protection anymore!

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