Hello People. Yes, my beauty boggles the mind! Let's move on. Sometimes you humans make me so angry! I realize that the 21st century brought with it the need to be famous. I realize that Reality TV is inexplicably "all the rage". But, so help me, if I hear one more word about this frickin' "Tan Lady" I'm going to cut someone! Are your little human lives so boring, so vanilla, that you need to hear about this woman to fill the void? I realize that she is the mother of the first child in American history EVER to get a sunburn. That is clearly news worthy. I mean it's not every day that a fair haired child just turns red, in the sun, on a 90 degree day. There had to be more to it! After all, her mother is addicted to tanning. So it must have been child abuse! And, may I add, the absolute worst case of child abuse EVER! It must have been. Why else would we still be hearing about it weeks later. It's not like there are other children out there being abused. Certainly not in such a brutal manner as this or we would have heard about it, right? Heck, now there's even an Action Figure Doll! Seriously! I wish I was making this up. STOP IT ALREADY!
I think you get my point. Moving on. This spectacle gave us two new words to contemplate, "Tanorexic" and "Tanaholic", but more importantly I believe it crossed a line into the final frontier of doom. Yesterday and today on network news programs I heard "journalists" (I put that in quotes for a reason) Making Fun of This Woman! Now, you say, 'so what', 'she deserves it'. I say I saw a "journalist" on national TV laughing and making fun of a private citizen accused of abusing her child. Excuse me if I didn't get the memo, but when did that become okay? Is there no sense of decorum anywhere any more? If this woman wants to tan herself to death, let her. If there is proof that she is endangering her children (which, by the way, there isn't) then that is a matter for the Family Court NOT the national news. And, if it is "news worthy" then treat it like a news story, not like you're a 12 year old on the playground. People, I don't want to have to tell you this again...Grow Up and Mind Your Manners or, I swear, you're going to feel my paw upside your head and you are NOT going to like it!
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