Hello my dear friends. Before I launch into my rant (Yes, I'm well aware that I rant. It's part of my charm) I must confess that I have not read today's Supreme Court ruling in it's entirety but I do plan to do so over the weekend. Unlike our elected robo-Goobers who proudly voted yes on this legislation without bothering to read it first (Dan Maffei) I prefer to read things prior to giving a thumbs up or down. However, since my opinion doesn't actually affect anyone's life and, the overall ruling isn't the issue here, I shall press forward. I'm not going to get into the national health care verses private insurance battle. I want to talk about the flood gates, I believe have been flung wide open, and the elephant in the room I haven't heard anybody talking about. That elephant and the pending flood is "Precedent". You see, laws and rulings in this Country are based on "Precedent". That is laws and rulings that came before. One law begets another in America. So, in their infinite wisdom (once again) The Great Robed Ones ruled, in essence, that the Gubmint, under the guise of a tax, can require the people (you and me) to buy/own something it (the Gubmint) deems is in our best interest or for our own good. In this case it's health insurance and now the precedent has been set. Using this ruling a precedent, the Gubmint could (for the sake of argument) require that all Americans must be connected to the internet. Like the health care ruling, they could argue that it is in the best interest of the people to be connected whether they want to be or not. The Gubmint could require that all Americans must purchase solar panels. It's good for the planet and there is precedent. I'm not saying this will happen although I do believe it's entirely possible down the line. This ruling, regardless of your feelings on health care, has given the Gubmint unconscionable power over the people. It's given the Gubmint the power to not only decide what is "best for us" but the power to force us to comply. Is it an unintentional consequence? Perhaps. More likely, it's the reason that we will one day look back on this day and say "yes, that was the beginning of the end". Good luck people.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
The Court Supreme
hello my dear friends. As I'm sure you've heard, the US Supreme Court has struck down most of Arizona's "controversial" immigration law (S.B.1070). They upheld one part of the law which requires police officers stopping someone to make efforts to verify that person's immigration status with the Federal Government. Arizona has a bit of a problem with illegal immigrants. Let me just say that I fully support people's right to seek a better life in America. My grandparents were immigrants. Legal immigrants. Now, I'm not a lawyer but, in actuality you don't have to be a lawyer to sit on the Nation's highest court. But that is beside the point. The Court Supreme, in it's infinite wisdom struck down three of four provision of the law saying, in essence, that conflict with existing Federal laws regulating immigration. The Supreme Court struck down a provision that would make it a crime for an illegal immigrant to work or seek work in Arizona. Apparently that's unconstitutional. It is a crime to knowingly hire and/or employ an illegal alien. So apparently illegals have to right to find work as long as you don't hire them. Yup. That makes sense. The Biggies also struck down a provision that authorized state and local officers to arrest people, without a warrant, if they have probable cause to believe that person is in this Country illegally. You can, of course, arrest an American citizen without a warrant if you have probable cause to believe they have committed a crime but, just being here illegally isn't actually a crime so, no arrest. Finally, the Great Robbed Ones ruled that a provision making it a state requirement that immigrants register with the Federal Government, which, of course, is already the law but no one enforces it. The problem here is that, after going through all the trouble of scaling a fence and running through the desert, turning yourself in doesn't really appeal to a lot of these folks so, it's not easily enforced. Anyway, that pesky little constitution says that immigration and naturalization is the job of the Federal Government. Of course that constitution also says that "full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records and judicial proceedings of every other state". (Article IV; Section 1). I guess we can ignore that one since it apparently doesn't apply to marriage. But I digress. My question is, when the President of the United States directs those in charge of immigration to NOT enforce certain laws which by the way is illegal in itself, but that's for another blog), is there really a conflict? If the Feds aren't going to do it, why can't the States? If a law is not enforced is it still a law? The funny thing here is, the Prez said illegals under 30 who have not broken the law, won't be deported. Isn't just being here illegally breaking the law? So, I guess they have to go anyway. No harm, no foul. I need a nap!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Bus Bullies: The Fallout
Hello people. I'm sure you've all heard about the middle school bus bullies from Greece, NY and have seen at least some of the video. Now, their parents have apologized (on camera, of course) to the elderly woman their charming children verbally abused and threatened. They're just sick about it all. Well, parents, you reap what you sew. These bullies, all bullies, lack empathy, respect and, most importantly, humanity. These are all things that are taught by you, their parents. You have failed, miserably, at the most important job of your life; Parenting. Everyone is debating what should happen to the kids who did this. I, for one, believe spending say 30 days scrubbing buses with a toothbrush might be appropriate. I also believe their bus passes should be permanently revoked. However, I also believe we should discuss what should happen to their parents who are, at the very least, co-conspirators. Kids will be kids. Kids can be mean. We all know this. But kids can also be kind and caring. It's all in how they're raised. In the past month we've heard stories about a girl who got in trouble for defending a special needs student against bullies on the bus. She was banned from the bus. She said she'd do it again. Then there was the Ohio high school junior who stopped during a state track meet to help an injured rival finish the race. She even made sure the injured girl finished ahead of her. What is the difference between these two girls and the hoodlums on the Greece school bus? Parenting. The parents of the hoodlums say their kids made a mistake and have suffered enough. They've been publicly humiliated and ostracized by their peers. Apparently these parents, and subsequently their kids, still haven't grasped the fact that all of this happened because they posted their behavior on the internet. They thought their behavior was their shot at 15 minutes of fame. They were SHOCKED that other people didn't find their behavior as funny as they did. Thus, their lack of humanity. These kids never thought that what they were doing was bad. They thought it was funny. Now, as the story took on a life of it's own and the victim is being compensated for her suffering, they (the hoodlums and their parents) think it's over. It's enough. They've learned their lesson. Um, I respectfully say, not by a long shot. Bullying has become a national epidemic. People, kids especially, are dying because of it. Sometimes saying you're sorry (especially when we know you're not) just isn't enough. These bullies, these hoodlums, these kids being raised without respect, empathy or humanity are our FUTURE! This makes the future, my friends, look a little grim. What can we expect from the next generation? You know, the kids that will be raised by this generation? I say we draw the line here. This story has gained world wide attention. Now is the time to make an example of the hoodlums AND their parents. If you want to raise little hoodlums and set them loose on the rest of us, then you are a responsible for their behavior as they are. Punish the kids AND hold their parents responsible. 30 days and toothbrushes all around!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Hot Enough for Ya?
Hello people. It's too damn hot! Even with the cold air machine blowing, it's too damn hot. Make it stop! Be warned that the next person who asks me if "it's hot enough" will be bitch slapped with full claw! Look at the poor dumb dog. She was so hot the tree stuck to her!
Ridiculous! How hot is it? It's so hot (yes, I'm going there) It's so hot the cows are giving evaporated milk! It's so hot, not only can you fry an egg on the sidewalk, you can toast the muffin too! It's so hot the off-ramp entrepreneurs were asking for water instead of cash! Look what this dog was driven to...
Please Mother Nature, send us sweet relief. It's only June. What will August be like?
Ridiculous! How hot is it? It's so hot (yes, I'm going there) It's so hot the cows are giving evaporated milk! It's so hot, not only can you fry an egg on the sidewalk, you can toast the muffin too! It's so hot the off-ramp entrepreneurs were asking for water instead of cash! Look what this dog was driven to...
Please Mother Nature, send us sweet relief. It's only June. What will August be like?
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
I'm Baaaaack!
Hello my dear friends! I'm back from a much needed stay-cation. I, of course, am limited to a stay-cation as I am being held captive and am not allowed to travel. Regardless, I was pleased to see that, while I was resting, the world hadn't gone completely mad. As a matter of fact, in spite of endless coverage of Eric Holder (moron), "slave shoes" (Adidas' JS Roundhouse Mids) and Jerry Sandusky (pedophile), there was actually a quiet moment of sanity out of Texas of all places! The 24-year old Texas father, who beat to death the man he caught sexually assaulting his 5-year old daughter, will not be charged in the death. Hallelujah! In case you haven't heard the story. The father, a rancher, was working his ranch when someone ran up to him and said they just saw a ranch hand "forcibly carrying" off the man's daughter. The rancher (who's name wasn't released for obvious reasons) followed his daughter's screams behind a barn where he finds Jesus Mora Flores (yes his name was Jesus), both with their underwear removed. The father then pulled Flores off his daughter and beat him to death with his bare hands. Imagine that. he then immediately called 911. Authorities examined the girl and the dead guy and confirmed a sexual assault had occurred. The death was investigated as a homicide. In our aforementioned moment of sanity, the District Attorney deemed that the father's actions were "authorized and justified" under Texas law. God Bless Texas. I, personally, think the father showed exceptional restraint. If it were me, after the fatal beating, I would have chopped off Flores' genitals, shoved them down his throat and then set the whole useless mess on fire prior to calling 911, just in case the beating hadn't killed him. But that's just me. I'd like to believe that, not even in hang 'em high Texas, could you find 12 jurors to convict that father of anything. They should award him Father of the Year!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Pet Peeves? I have a few.
Hello my dear friends. As you may know, there is very little that you humans do that doesn't annoy me. However, there are some things that you do that simply drive me nuts! My main peeves (great word) generally involve they way you drive but today I want to discuss shopping etiquette and your lack thereof. Let me say that I am usually opposed to any "self serve" business, especially when it involves something, like pumping gas, that businesses used to do for you and/or when it doesn't save me any money to do it myself. With that said, I actually like the self-check out scanners in the supermarkets. It spares me from the mindless chatter I'm forced to endure with the perky clerk and it prevents my bread and eggs from getting crushed by said clerk. What I don't enjoy and, quite frankly don't understand, is the person behind you who can't wait until you're finished. I'll explain. The captor was at BJ's going through the self check out lane. Before she had a chance to remove her items from the collection area, the Goober behind her starting sailing his stuff down the belt right into the captor's groceries. The captor politely said "excuse me, could you hold up a second"? The Goober gave her a dirty look and sailed another box down the line. This behavior, in a civilized society, is of course unacceptable. Most people know that. Many do not. Apparently the Goober was in too big of a hurry to wait his turn. People, in a self check out lane, it is not your turn until the person ahead of you walks away with their stuff. That's not a "guideline" that a RULE! Wait your freakin turn. By the way, if you're wondering how the captor handled it, she sailed the next box back up the belt, causing the machine to shut down and require that all items be removed and re-scanned. You should have seen the look the Goober gave her then! Then she smiled and walked away to the faint sound of a Goober shouting "a**hole" in the background. Next time he'll probably follow the rules.
Monday, June 11, 2012
It's a Strange World After All!
She's okay and will continue her tour. I think I'd replace that dancer though. Sam Drucker, the general store owner on Green Acres, Petticoat Junction and Beverly Hillbillies (yup. Same character on all three shows)died on Friday. He was 96. Finally, in the strangest bit of news,(you know I try to avoid political talk but...) President Obama says the private sector of the economy is "doing fine". Thank Goodness! I thought it sucked. Just shows you how much I know. Anyway, the Prez says the problem with the economy is that there aren't enough Gubmint jobs! Well, paint me yellow and call me banana! Why didn't I think of that? It's so simple. The best way to improve them economy is to make Gubmint BIGGER! That's NEVER been tried before. Now that's audacious! I can't wait to see how that works out. I bet it will solve everything. Later, Sway
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Cat Grass? Seriously?
Friday, June 8, 2012
Learn Something Daily

Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Beauty and the Beoch

Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Big Brother IS Watching
Monday, June 4, 2012
Free is Never Free

Sunday, June 3, 2012
Road Rage
Hello my dear friends. The captor has just returned from a visit to Grandma-land as she was so stressed upon her return, I swear, you could bounce a quarter off her neck! I did my part to relax her by allowing her to hold me, for a moment. I even threw her a purr before digging my claws into her shoulder. I know, I know, there are other ways to get down. There is the wiggle or pushing away sans claws, but I have found that my claw to the shoulder maneuver is the most effective method for a quick release. Anyway, the cause of the captor's stress was a thing called "the thruway". Apparently travelling this thruway on a Sunday is very stressful. According to the captor, who travels the thruway quite frequently, "Massholes" (drivers from Massachusetts)and "Canuisances" (drivers from Canada) are the leading cause of road rage in America. Followed by, but not limited to Truckers who attempt to pass on inclines, Lane hoppers when dart back and forth between lanes, and the multitude of distracted drivers who sway back and forth within their lanes while playing with their smart phone, proving that their phone is in fact the only smart thing in their car. There is crossover as well. The captors says that when there is a back up caused by a trucker attempting to pass on an incline, 9 times out of 10 you will find that said truck has Canadian plates. In addition, the majority of Massholes are also lane hoppers. Go figure. Also, apparently, on Sunday, the normal rules of driving, like no speeding, no tailgating, signaling lane changes, slow traffic staying to the right and left lane for passing only, are all suspended on this thruway. This, according to the captor, creates a very stressful and, at times, dangerous, two hour drive. So, if you don't understand where road rage comes from, just take a Sunday drive on the thruway. You'll never wonder again.
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