
Monday, June 11, 2012

It's a Strange World After All!

Hello people! Yes, I am the fairest of them all. Let's move on. First, our thought and prayers go out to GMA host Robin Roberts who has been diagnosed with a blood and bone marrow disease called MDS. Roberts, who already kicked breast cancer's ass, is undergoing chemotherapy followed by a bone marrow transplant. All the best Robin! Next, you'll be happy to hear that Aerosmith is going on tour! Yup. They're calling it the Global Warming Tour which makes sense since global warming actually began in the 1800's, as did Aerosmith! The sponsors of the tour will of course be Viagra and Ortho Hip Replacement. Did you see Lady Gaga get bopped in the head with the metal pipe? Ouch! She has a concussion..

She's okay and will continue her tour. I think I'd replace that dancer though. Sam Drucker, the general store owner on Green Acres, Petticoat Junction and Beverly Hillbillies (yup. Same character on all three shows)died on Friday. He was 96. Finally, in the strangest bit of news,(you know I try to avoid political talk but...) President Obama says the private sector of the economy is "doing fine". Thank Goodness! I thought it sucked. Just shows you how much I know. Anyway, the Prez says the problem with the economy is that there aren't enough Gubmint jobs! Well, paint me yellow and call me banana! Why didn't I think of that? It's so simple. The best way to improve them economy is to make Gubmint BIGGER! That's NEVER been tried before. Now that's audacious! I can't wait to see how that works out. I bet it will solve everything. Later, Sway

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