
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another SCOTUS Moment!

Hello my dear friends. Before I launch into my rant (Yes, I'm well aware that I rant. It's part of my charm) I must confess that I have not read today's Supreme Court ruling in it's entirety but I do plan to do so over the weekend. Unlike our elected robo-Goobers who proudly voted yes on this legislation without bothering to read it first (Dan Maffei) I prefer to read things prior to giving a thumbs up or down. However, since my opinion doesn't actually affect anyone's life and, the overall ruling isn't the issue here, I shall press forward. I'm not going to get into the national health care verses private insurance battle. I want to talk about the flood gates, I believe have been flung wide open, and the elephant in the room I haven't heard anybody talking about. That elephant and the pending flood is "Precedent". You see, laws and rulings in this Country are based on "Precedent". That is laws and rulings that came before. One law begets another in America. So, in their infinite wisdom (once again) The Great Robed Ones ruled, in essence, that the Gubmint, under the guise of a tax, can require the people (you and me) to buy/own something it (the Gubmint) deems is in our best interest or for our own good. In this case it's health insurance and now the precedent has been set. Using this ruling a precedent, the Gubmint could (for the sake of argument) require that all Americans must be connected to the internet. Like the health care ruling, they could argue that it is in the best interest of the people to be connected whether they want to be or not. The Gubmint could require that all Americans must purchase solar panels. It's good for the planet and there is precedent. I'm not saying this will happen although I do believe it's entirely possible down the line. This ruling, regardless of your feelings on health care, has given the Gubmint unconscionable power over the people. It's given the Gubmint the power to not only decide what is "best for us" but the power to force us to comply. Is it an unintentional consequence? Perhaps. More likely, it's the reason that we will one day look back on this day and say "yes, that was the beginning of the end". Good luck people.

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