Hello my dear friends. People, people, people. Enough with the acronyms already! BFF, LOL, TTYO, enough already. It's bad enough our youth no longer know how to spell or use basic grammar, now parents are doing it too! The latest acronym to sweep social media is YOLO. I'm sure you've seen it by now. The people using it believe it to mean You Only Live Once. It's used to justify your bad behavior or to encourage someone else to behave badly. I, and many of you, see YOLO and think You Obviously Lack Originality. Thanks to text messaging, Facebook, Twitter, etc, we've already eliminated the need to actually speak to one another. Now we can't even bother to write actual words! What's next? Grunts and clicks? If you're too busy to spell out a word, maybe you shouldn't be texting or posting on Facebook. I'm just saying. I really can't believe you humans fought your way to the top of the food chain only to revert to an era before the spoken word. So let's all ease up on the acronyms and see how it goes.
Remember: Acronyms Say Someone Has Only Limited Education!
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