Hello my dear friends. You people continue to slay me. Just slay me! There are people among you who have a debilitating fear of BANANAS! Bananaphobia is real. According to Vice Magazine, some people with this phobia have such a strong reaction that they can not even walk down the produce aisle. I tell you this, not to mock these people (although they probably should be mocked), but to warn you of what this will lead to. You see, once such a "quirk" is given the "phobia" designation it sets the stage for the "afflicted" to start demanding justice, the same way that one child with a peanut allergy can get peanut butter banned from an entire school. Nuts have also been banned from airline unless, of course, they are flying the plane. Don't get me wrong, many phobias are very real. I, for one, could live very happily in a world without clowns. I do not have coulrophobia (fear of clowns). I just find them unbearably creepy. I also do not suffer from idiophobia (fear of idiots) but I do harbor a strong dislike of them. I think we can safely say that no one with idiophobia lives in Washington D.C. How could they? They'd be terrified night and day! I digress. To all of you who now identify as a bananaphobic, trust me, you have much deeper issues. Bananas are our high potassium friends! Do we really want to live in a world without banana splits, banana muffins or those awesome frozen bananas at the Fair? I, for one, say no! So come on bananaphobes, face that fear and head down that produce aisle! You can do it! Let's mash this phobia before Chiquita finds herself out of a job!
Oooooh Scary!
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