
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Politics at it's Finest

Hello my dear friends. I'm sorry you didn't win the Mega Millions jackpot. Or did you? If so, let's talk privately! If not, do not contact me. I'm busy! So, in this current economic climate we're all cutting back, pinching pennies, trying to make ends meet. We are also watching the United States Supreme Court, waiting for them to decide whether portions of Obamacare may be unconstitutional. While you and I wait to see how the high court rules, the Gubmint isn't letting any moss grow on them. Oh no! They are currently hiring 4000 new IRS agents to enforce the new health care laws that haven't even been enacted yet! The cost? Only 303 million dollars. That, of course, it just the start up cost. It's a steal, really. No need to add in the 4000 salaries, benefits and pension costs. The Gubmint did say we needed to create jobs. I just didn't think they meant they would be creating those jobs. At least someone is hiring! Washington, by the way, spends $25 billion dollars a year to maintain unused or vacant federal properties. Ouch! The census bureau spent $2.5 million for an ad during the Superbowl. Do you remember the ad? I didn't think so. The National Institutes of Health spent $800,000 in "stimulus funds" to study the impact of a "genital-washing program" in South Africa. I suspect the impact was cleaner genitals. Anyway, my point is that, in the big scheme of things, $303 million is a small price to pay to enforce a non-existent law. God bless America!

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