
Friday, March 23, 2012

A near Cat-astrophe

Hello. Yes, my beauty does transcend time and space. Let's move on! I am a pretty agile Kitty. I can jump and climb with the best of them but, the story of Sugar the Cat, amazed even me! Sugar fell (or jumped) from a 19 story window and walked (or limped) away! Seriously, nearly 200 feet! She landed in a tiny pile of mulch, surrounded by concrete, in Boston! Now, if I were surrounded by Bostonians (probably Red Sox fans) I too would have jumped off a high rise first chance I got! Sugar's goober captor left the window open because it was hot. Don't they have screens is Boston? How uncivilized are these people?  Anyway, Sugar is going to be okay!
Sugar Story

She left quite an impression! God speed Sugar and, to your captor, BUY A SCREEN you F#@%$&*#% Goober!

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