
Thursday, March 15, 2012

I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag....

Hello my fellow Americans. Just when I thought I'd seen it all, a whole new world of Gooberism (Goober-ism: noun: any movement, ideology or attitude that promotes the agenda of Goobers!) arises! Earlier this week the Lake County (Florida) Democratic Party proudly displayed this flag outside of their headquarters:
When an offended 71-year old Veteran asked that they take it down because it violated the Federal Flag Code, the chairwoman of the party said "It what? The federal what?" The Veteran was told to leave or the police would be called. Instead, the Veteran sent pictures of the flag to Veterans' groups and delivered a copy of the Federal Flag Code to the goober in charge, who, upon pulling her head out of her derriere, had the flag removed. Now people, I'm really not sure which is worse, desecrating the American Flag or not knowing that you can't desecrate the American Flag. I also have to wonder how someone, who clearly knows very little about American laws and customs, rises to the rank of chairwoman of their county democratic party. So, for those of you aspiring to lead a political party or are simply an active proponent of Gooberism, the Federal Flag Code clearly states (section 8; subsection g):

"The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature".
Don't Panic! Flag desecration is no longer a crime. This is still America. In 1990 the Supreme Court ruled that anti-desecration laws were unconstitutional so, go ahead and burn that flag! Sew in a picture of your favorite leader! Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Kim Jong-il perhaps! Why not? It's not like people actually fought or died protecting The Flag. Geez, it hasn't been changed since 1960 (when Hawaii, the final star, was added). Maybe Old Glory needs a face lift! Who needs all of those stars anyway? May I respectfully suggest:

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