
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Going Air Mail?

Hello my dear friends. Did you have a tough day at work? Is your job getting more stressful by the day? Do you find yourself daydreaming about what you would do if you won the lottery and could quit your job? Have you memorized the "shove it" speech you'll give the boss when you're able? We've all been there. I know, you're thinking "Not you PoKitty! You're living the dream". But, my friends, let me tell you that I too want to just chuck it some days. I can't help but wonder what happened that led the airline industry change places with the post office. Due to the growing number of airline employees freaking out, the phrase "going postal" no longer seems relevant.  So I thought it was time to do a little brainstorming, get ahead of the trend and come up with the newest euphemism for flipping out at work. I'm just spitballing here but I was thinking "Flying off the runway" or "Going Airborne". How about "flipped her flotation device" or "lost his luggage"? Maybe " Took a Wing Dinger". I admit it needs a little work. In the end John and Jane Q. Public will decide. One thing I know for sure. The fine women and men of the U.S. Postal Service will be first in line with suggestions!

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