
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Brrrreaking Holiday Dumbass News

Hello my dear friends. With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I thought I'd share this bit of knowledge with you. Deep frying turkey, on average, results in 5 deaths, 60 injuries and $15 million in property damage EVERY YEAR! The vast majority of these fires begin with, of course, The Dumbass Factor.  That would be seemingly intelligent people putting frozen turkey in boiling oil. If you're old enough to operate a deep fryer, you should be old enough to know that water and boiling oil do not mix.  Not only don't they mix, they pretty much explode! So, if you really feel the need to deep fry your turkey this year, thaw the damn thing first, dry it off completely and, for the love of God, do it outside, away from your house! People! Just to recap...WRONG.....
Be safe my friends!

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