
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Smelly Dog Update

Hello my dear friends! In case you haven't heard, our big, dumb dog (Hundred Pounds of Stupid) got herself Skunked! She's such a GOOBER! 8 years old and she can't tell the difference between a kitty and a skunk!
I did think it was a kitty. I thought it was a kitty who wanted to play with me! Turns out it wasn't a kitty and it really did not want to play! Who knew? Boy, did I stink! *Note to self: Strange black and white kitties in the backyard should be avoided!*  I had to have 3 baths. 3! First the people tried just washing me off. Waste of time and water. Then they tried vinegar and water.  That did not work. Finally, after a quick internet search it was back in the tub with a mixture of baking soda, peroxide and soap.  That did the trick! Unfortunately, I now have a whole new set of nicknames from the kitties. "Skunkerdoodle", "Stinkbomb" and "Dumbass" to name a few.  Oh well, live and learn I guess! Also, I've learned that, after being skunked, it's a really bad idea to jump on the people's couch and bed! That really seems to tick them off. I had to remind them that I was the victim here. They seemed to lose sight of that. Anyway, all is well this morning. I'm back to smelling like a big dog again. Life is good! Go Bills!

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