
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

We're Organized and We're Not Leaving

Hello my dear friends.  Get ready. We're calling it "Occupy Bedroom" and we're in it for the long haul! Although it has been unseasonably warm during the daylight hours, it's cold in here at night! Really Cold! Well, we're tired of it. So, we've taken over the captor's bedroom and we're not leaving. We've come prepared too.
We've got our tent and a laptop to keep the media updated on our anger, our social disconnect and our continually changing message. We've even got the Big, Dumb Dog on our side, sort of...
God, sh'e such a Goober!  Anyway, you've been warned captors! We're cold as heck and we're not going to take it anymore! Turn up the heat or we will!

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