
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Dog

Hello my dear friends. I don't know about you but I find it very difficult living with a dog!  Our dog is big and goofy and, quite frankly, I think she smells funny. Unfortunately I don't get a say on the number or species of inmates at this prison. There is an upside though.  Dogs are warm. HPS (hundred pounds of stupid) can throw heat with the best of them.  This is why, sometimes, we have to turn to the dog when the captors refuse to turn up the heat! I know what you're thinking 'dog and cats living together'.  I believe Dr. Peter Venkman listed that as one of the signs of the apocalypse! (congrats to you if you got the Ghostbusters reference). Anyway, a cat's got to do what a cat's got to do.
Ahhhhhh. Dog heat! You really can't beat it.  Okay, one more just for fun
Go Bills!

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