
Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's a Catnip Kinda Day!

There is nothing better than fresh catnip after a long day. The captors have access to the BEST catnip! It comes from a strange land called ""Grandpa's House". I don't know where that is but the captors go there ofter. Sometimes, when they return, they bring a box full of beautiful, wonderful, fresh catnip.  We call it "G-Nip" (for Grandpa's nip) and it is awesome! We all love you can see!
We take turns in our box of nip heaven until we're all sufficiently buzzed.  There is one drawback to that though...This is your mind...
This is your mind on nip.....
Total mind freak right? This is why you have to pace yourself!  I'm always telling the girls that nip must be used in moderation but, when it's just sitting there, calling your name....anyway, I need a nap.  Yes, a couple of Friskies crunchies and a nap! Later.

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