
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Holy HoHoZilla!

Hello my dear friends! With Christmas growing ever nearer I'm noticing a rapid increase in the number of HoZillas!  What, you may ask, is a HoZilla? A HoZilla is a person who gets so wound up and stressed out over Christmas that they turn into Holiday D-Bags! You know the type. They become aggressive and rude, especially in stores where they seem to believe that they are the only ones on a deadline. I actually heard of one HoZilla encounter with my Captor that went something like this: HoZilla: "why did all of these people wait until the last minute to finish shopping, I'll never get out of here"! My Captor: "aren't you one of those people?" HoZilla "No, I'm NOT one of those people. I didn't wait until the last minute, I have to work, you know".  My Captor: "24/7, 365?" HoZilla: "Screw you, Bitch!" My Captor: "and a Happy New Year". So here's a little word of adivce if you, or someone you know, is becoming a HoZilla, LIGHTEN UP! You're sucking the joy out of it for the rest of us!  Thank You!

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