
Saturday, December 17, 2011

I'm here to save you money!

Hello my dear friends! Christmas is right around the corner so I'd like to offer all of you captors out there a little money saving tip. While you're out trying to assuage your guilt over holding us captive by spending money on jingle balls, scratch pads and the like, I'll let you in a little secret. All we really want are BAGS!

Glorious BAGS! They're the best. You can do anything with bags. You can play games (like "bag"), you can hide in them, sleep in them, crinkle them. God, I love bags! So, buy yourself something pretty and give us the bag it came in! This will satisfy any feline.  Dogs are a different story. Dogs suck at "bag". So, if you've actually burdened yourself with a dog, I would suggest art supplies. Yes, art supplies. Our dog paints!
Here she is working on one of her masterpieces. And, surprisingly, it turned out pretty good.
We call this "Dog Garden" and it's actually hanging on the wall. I know, right? You may have a DogVinci of your own and not even know it. A little tip though, water based paint! Good luck to you all!

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